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Search Results for Magic Decks by Lis

Viewing 501 - 550 of 1852 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Jund Whip aalistor 12/16/2014
Sultai Reanimator Eric English 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Seattle - 12/13 1st 12/15/2014
BW Tokens Melissa DeTora 12/3/2014
Mardu Midrange William Allison 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Richmond - 11/22 9th-16th 11/24/2014
A Wild Delvergoyf appears aalistor 11/18/2014
Unwritten Whip KTK aalistor 11/18/2014
Pyro Blade aalistor 11/12/2014
Unwritten Whip aalistor 11/11/2014
See the Whip aalistor 11/4/2014
Jalira for Aran Dualis 10/30/2014
Fight or Flight aalistor 10/27/2014
Savra for Ben Dualis 10/27/2014
Mardu Midrange Melissa DeTora 2014 TCGplayer.com MaxPoint Championship 9th-16th 10/26/2014
test Dualis 10/26/2014
Heroic Prowess aalistor 10/20/2014
Butcher King aalistor 10/20/2014
Abzan Midrange James Allison 2014 Standard State Championships - Pennsylvania 3rd-4th 10/17/2014
UB Control Melissa DeTora 10/15/2014
Double Dragon aalistor 10/7/2014
Scapeshift J.A.Eliso (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 9/22/14 10/3/2014
Jeskai Midrange Jason Ellis 2014 StarCity PIQ Modern - Somerset - 8/31 2nd 10/1/2014
RG Tron Bob McAllister 2014 StarCity PIQ Modern - Baltimore - 7/20 9th-16th 9/30/2014
Hootie and the Mandrills aalistor 9/25/2014
Sultai Devotion aalistor 9/25/2014
5 Kolor Kontrol aalistor 9/23/2014
Bizarro Genesis Wave aalistor 9/23/2014
KTK Jund aalistor 9/23/2014
UR control aalistor 9/22/2014
UW Delver aalistor 9/22/2014
Legacy Elves Malistre 9/19/2014
Soldiers Listrain 9/18/2014
Selesnya Aggro Calisto_dancer (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/25/14 9/18/2014
Splinter Twin Aurora_Borealis (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 9/8/14 9/17/2014
Bitter Souls aalistor 9/17/2014
Affinity Ellison (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/25/14 9/16/2014
Abzan Midrange Melissa DeTora 9/11/2014
Lingering Gifts (modern) aalistor 9/8/2014
Pyro Soul aalistor 9/5/2014
accessible format deck aalistor 9/4/2014
Esper Control Melissa DeTora 9/3/2014
UW splicer aalistor 8/28/2014
Affinity Ellison (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/18/14 8/28/2014
Counterburn Control (CBC) aalistor 8/28/2014
Esper Deathblade Malistre 8/21/2014
X men aalistor 8/21/2014
Rabble Red Eric English 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Syracuse - 8/9 2nd 8/19/2014
Gruul Tapout aalistor 8/19/2014
Mardu Control aalistor 8/19/2014
awkward friends aalistor 8/19/2014
X-men aalistor 8/19/2014

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