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Search Results for Magic Decks by abr_

Viewing 551 - 600 of 618 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
UB Control Gabriel Nassif 2007 Pro Tour Yokohama 4/22/2007
Simic Graft Aggro ABRxCore 4/8/2007
Gruul Works Final ABRxCore 4/5/2007
Scryb and Force sabres83 3/29/2007
B/W Aggro Rack ABRxCore 3/27/2007
Another G/r Chalice ABRxCore 3/11/2007
Trinket Angels Gabriel Nassif 2006 Worlds - Day 3, 6-0 12/4/2006
Martyr Tron Gabriel Nassif 2006 Worlds Paris, France 3rd-4th 12/4/2006
Martyr Tron Gabriel Nassif 2006 Worlds - Day 1, 5-0-1 12/1/2006
New Glare fabry20 10/16/2006
Il Mio mazzo fabry20 9/7/2006
2006 Regionals - 5th Place Derrick Cabrera 2006 Regionals Pomona, California 5th-8th 5/20/2006
Greater Gifts Berna Da Costa Cabral 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
R/G Gabriel Z Willmon 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
B/W Control Gabriel Nassif 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
WW/u Gabriel Nassif 2005 Pro Tour Philadelphia, PA 1/12/2006
5-0-1 Extended Deck Bernardo Da Costa Cabral 2005 Worlds Yokohama, Japan 12/2/2005
Heartbeat Desire Cory Abrams 2005 PTQ Honolulu Standish, Maine 5th-8th 11/12/2005
This Time Is The Last Time Matt Abrams 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
Trolltog Bernardo Da Costa Cabral 2005 PT Los Angeles 9th-16th 10/29/2005
2005 PT LA - Gabriel Nassif Gabriel Nassif 2005 PT Los Angeles 9th-16th 10/29/2005
Red Dawn Gabriel Villeda 8/10/2005
White Weenie Scott Abramowski 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Columbus, Ohio 5th-8th 7/23/2005
Heartbeat Gabriel Krause 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Montgomery, Alabama 5th-8th 7/23/2005
Psychatog Gabriel Nassif Magic Invitational 7/11/2005
Blue Tooth Matt Abrams 2005 Regionals Pomona, CA 1st 7/3/2005
Mono-Blue Control Gabriel Nassif 2005 Magic Invitational 5/24/2005
Mono Blue Control Gabriel Nassif 2005 Regionals Paris, France 2nd 3/31/2005
WW with blue Habrik 2/21/2005
Vial Affinity Gabriel Z. Willmon 2004 Champs - Colorado 5th-8th 10/27/2004
MBC Ben Abramowitz 2004 Champs - West Virginia 3rd-4th 10/26/2004
Blue-White Control Gabriel Nassif Worlds 2004 5th-8th 9/5/2004
Land Destruction Gabriel Nassif 2004 French Nationals 2nd 7/18/2004
U/W Control Bernardo Da Costa Cabral GP Brussels 9th-16th 6/13/2004
TwelvePost Gabriel Nassif 2004 Pro Tour Kobe 5/20/2004
U/W Control Gabriel Huber Regionals Berlin, Germany 3rd-4th 3/11/2004
TwelvePost Nassif Gabriel Pro Tour Kobe 2004 2nd 2/29/2004
only to see the price ignacio cabral 1/28/2004
Pemmin's elves ignacio cabral 1/28/2004
Goblin Charbelcher Gabriel Nassif 2003 PT New Orleans 2nd 11/2/2003
Ponza Ben Abramowitz 2003 Champs: West Virginia 2nd 10/26/2003
Karma Police Gabriel Nassif 2003 World Championships 9th-16th 8/10/2003
Decree Gabriel Nassif 2003 European Championship 5th-8th 7/6/2003
Enchantress Gabriel Nassif 2003 Yokohama Masters 5th-8th 5/20/2003
Monoblack Control Gabriel Aziz 2003 Regionals Montevideo, Uruguay 3rd-4th 4/28/2003
Mono Black Control Gabriel Gaulet 2003 Regionals Normandie, France 1st 3/26/2003
UG Madness Bernardo Da Costa Cabral 2003 Regionals Hasselt, Belgium 3/15 5th-8th 3/25/2003
Reanimator Ricardo Cabrini 2003 Regionals São Paulo, Brazil 3/23 2nd 3/25/2003
Goblins Gabriel Nassif 2003 PT Venice 5th-8th 3/24/2003
Psychatog Gabriel Carleton-Barnes Pro Tour Houston: 2002 11/13/2002

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