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Search Results for Magic Decks by Sai

Viewing 551 - 594 of 594 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
RU Giant Burn saintrith 7/21/2008
Cheap Mortal Combat Wins saintrith 7/20/2008
RUanti psychatog/affinity saintrith 7/20/2008
MBC atakusai 5/1/2008
Dredge Tomoharu Saitou 2008 Grand Prix Vienna, Austria 3rd-4th 3/17/2008
PT Junk Tomoharu Saito 2007 Worlds New York, NY 12/14/2007
Library Annihilator chaoticsaint 12/6/2007
Red Tree chaoticsaint 11/26/2007
BW Anti Tribes chaoticsaint 11/25/2007
Cute Elves isaiascantub 10/16/2007
BGW Mex V1.0 isaiascantub 10/3/2007
Clutch Control saintfuse 5/26/2007
Mono Red Tomoharu Saito 2007 Grand Prix Strasbourg, France 1st 5/21/2007
Satanic Sligh saintfuse 4/30/2007
Nearly MBC Sai 4/25/2007
RG Beats Tomoharu Saito 2007 Pro Tour Yokohama 3rd-4th 4/22/2007
L.A.B. [Life Angel Boom] Sai 4/12/2007
BWG Control Takatoshi Saito 2007 GP Kyoto LCQ - #7 1st 3/19/2007
Bouncing Pair saintskeith 3/19/2007
RWb aggro saintskeith 3/18/2007
U/W Tron Tomoharu Saito 2007 Grand Prix Singapore 5th-8th 3/5/2007
BWG Martyr saintfuse 2/11/2007
Boros Deck Wins Tomohiro Saito 2006 Worlds - Day 1, 5-1 12/1/2006
2006 Champs - 3rd Place Francis Toussaint 2006 Champs Alberta 3rd-4th 11/2/2006
Sea Stompy Tomoharu Saito 2006 Nationals Tokyo, Japan 5th-8th 8/27/2006
saint mungos debtor's dec saintmungo 6/19/2006
2006 Regionals - 1st Place Dan Desai 2006 Regionals Novi, Michigan 1st 5/20/2006
Ghost Dad Kotatsu Saitou 2006 Grand Prix Hamamatsu, Japan 1st 4/10/2006
B/W Control Ming Da Tsai 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
R/G/B Aggro Chih Chun Tsai 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
UWb Aggro Kanao Saitou 2006 Nagano Cup 1/30/2006
Let's Go Ming Da Tsai 2005 Grand Prix Beijing, China 5th-8th 11/27/2005
Kikoushi Tomoharu Saito 2005 Grand Prix Beijing, China 5th-8th 11/27/2005
2005 Champs - 6th Place Hirotsugu Saitou 2005 Champs Miyagi 5th-8th 11/7/2005
2005 PT LA - Homi-Gi Tsai Homi-Gi Tsai 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
ATF Tomoharu Saito 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
BG Aggro said46 9/29/2005
Deck-X Takaya Saitou 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Sanjou, Japan 3rd-4th 8/13/2005
ATA Tomoharu Saitou GP Nagoya 2004 5th-8th 8/29/2004
Affinity Battousai0 2/2/2004
UG QuietRoar Emeric Saint-Germain 2003 Regionals Sud Quest, France 5th-8th 4/2/2003
Tog My Style Hajime Saito 10/3/2002
U-G-r Crank Control Toni Tsai States 2001: Connecticut 1st 4/13/2002
Oh Quil Est Beau Thierry Saint-Seans Regionals 2002: France, Champagne 3rd-4th 4/13/2002

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