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Search Results for Magic Decks by ru-

Viewing 5951 - 6000 of 6895 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Polylands Obscurus 2/11/2010
GBW Maverick drunknmunky 2/8/2010
XanthidPersecutor Comment rushkovski 2/6/2010
JenaraQuest (please) verecruz 2/5/2010
Relic Weenie updated! verecruz 2/4/2010
Zoo Kurt Fruth 2010 San Juan PTQ: Garden City 3rd-4th 2/4/2010
Infinity(but gets mauled) siberrus 2/3/2010
Tezzert's vault Rualk 2/2/2010
U/B Control celerus 1/30/2010
Esper Allies GetCrunge68 1/30/2010
Pyromancer Ascension tsuru MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - 909568 1/30/2010
Persist and Destroy V2 waruguru 1/29/2010
Bloody Naya Trunks10 MTGO PTQ - 1/26 3rd-4th 1/28/2010
Thopter trunks321 MTGO Extended Daily (4-0) - 889191 1/28/2010
Seismic Assault - Sunder DrDRum 1/28/2010
Zoo Stephen Ruck 2010 San Juan PTQ: Hartford 3rd-4th 1/27/2010
Persistent Destruction waruguru 1/24/2010
Vampires Dean Kruse 2010 TCGplayer.com $5k Series - Atlanta 5th-8th 1/24/2010
Turboland Combodeck taurusrage 1/23/2010
Turboland Combo taurusrage 1/23/2010
White&Green Reunion Aggro brunoestevao 1/20/2010
Bleen Kenji Icarus 1/20/2010
Zoologic Logarian Rue 1/19/2010
RB Bloodquake Discard chaosrulermasterbubbles 1/19/2010
Fastbond Combo taurusrage 1/15/2010
Staff Elves Narux 1/15/2010
Zoo Kurt K Fruth 2010 San Juan PTQ: Indianapolis 2nd 1/14/2010
UBRG Land Control chaosrulermasterbubbles 1/13/2010
WW blah Ruqle 1/13/2010
Bant Tokens CruelJace 1/12/2010
B/W Tokens CruelJace 1/12/2010
WW-Lassie Ruqle 1/10/2010
White Tokens acruz MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - 847749 1/7/2010
RG Enchant Cerberus5123 1/4/2010
Felidar Fun Cerberus5123 1/4/2010
Treefolk Tank Cerberus5123 1/4/2010
RDW siewca_wiatru MTGO Premier - 828110 3rd-4th 1/4/2010
2 Drop siberrus 1/3/2010
Another Elfball try DrDRum 1/3/2010
Shaman V1 waruguru 1/2/2010
10 Land Grrrrrreen DrDRum 12/31/2009
Capsule Logarian Rue 12/30/2009
Vampire & a Side of Burn Cerberus5123 12/29/2009
tyrant oath Rualk 12/29/2009
Grixis Control trunks321 MTGO Premier - 12/27 5th-8th 12/28/2009
Bant Seanrus99 MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - 809365 12/28/2009
Esper Equivalent OTHERArchdruid 12/27/2009
Valakut Ramp rurrytheblind 12/27/2009
WW/ub Ruqle 12/25/2009
Artifact's are mean mikerussell101 12/25/2009

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