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Search Results for Magic Decks by Gin

Viewing 601 - 650 of 717 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Weenie Quest V3 verginml 11/6/2010
Tokens and Angels Beer Luggin 11/6/2010
Weenie Quest V2 verginml 11/5/2010
Weenie Quest (any ideas?) verginml 11/5/2010
Grand Ramp 2.0 verginml 11/4/2010
Myr Genesis Gingo Slice 11/4/2010
Grand Ramp verginml 11/4/2010
Goblins Trey McGinn 2010 SCG 5K Legacy Open - Charlotte 3rd-4th 11/3/2010
Valakut Ramp Brian Higgins 2010 Champs - Tennessee 1st 10/15/2010
W/U Keep on counting Beer Luggin 10/6/2010
Saprolicious Marginal0 10/3/2010
Affinity Gino95 9/26/2010
counter (help needed) Gino95 9/12/2010
counter help needed Gino95 9/11/2010
BW Destruction Inc Marginal0 8/31/2010
GB Hellcarver Beer Luggin 8/29/2010
leyline reversal Beer Luggin 8/27/2010
discard help needed Gino95 8/25/2010
B/G Hellcarver Big help Beer Luggin 8/24/2010
mill help needed Gino95 8/20/2010
Demon Gino95 8/18/2010
[EDH] Teysa, Mk. II grifigin 8/17/2010
Vampire Gino95 8/17/2010
[EDH] Teysa, Orzhov Scion grifigin 8/16/2010
discard 3 Gino95 8/14/2010
destroy Gino95 8/10/2010
UW Tempo ragin767 8/8/2010
The NEW Bant Lifegain Beer Luggin 8/6/2010
bant lifegain Beer Luggin 8/4/2010
Shaman's Vine ragin767 8/1/2010
B/W artifacts Beer Luggin 8/1/2010
Jund Michael Hodgins II 2010 PTQ Amsterdam: (7/24) Garden City 5th-8th 7/30/2010
My4thBox beginnerman 7/19/2010
My3rdBox beginnerman 7/19/2010
ru burn...kinda Beer Luggin 7/17/2010
1stBoxRare beginnerman 7/17/2010
2ndBoxRare beginnerman 7/17/2010
Discard2 Gino95 7/17/2010
Elf Gino95 7/14/2010
Discard Gino95 7/14/2010
Aura needs sb Beer Luggin 7/13/2010
Jund Michael Hodgins II 2010 PTQ Amsterdam: (6/26) Columbus 5th-8th 7/1/2010
Beastmaster sb help pls Beer Luggin 6/26/2010
UB Selfmiller beginnerman 6/10/2010
UW Control PTQ Winner ragin767 6/9/2010
Mythic Red ragin767 6/6/2010
Izzet Tim/Dragonauts ragingpotato 6/6/2010
Warp World/Summ Trap beginningnend 5/31/2010
Red Deck Wins beginningnend 5/26/2010
UG Polymorph beginnerman 5/10/2010

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