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Search Results for Magic Decks by ru-

Viewing 601 - 650 of 6895 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Arcades the memelord TufRussian 3/16/2019
Teysa And Phriends TufRussian 3/15/2019
Whir Prison susurrus_mtg 3/14/2019
Lord of Riots Eldrazi Tribal Syrus 3/13/2019
A Small Sacrifice Nanrui 3/13/2019
DEPALA_MAIN2 Cherusan 3/10/2019
Unexpected Eldrazi Ruin000 3/7/2019
Delete TheTrueSenpai0 3/7/2019
Delete TheTrueSenpai0 3/7/2019
Myrder MajorSugarRush 3/4/2019
Johan Witness TufRussian 3/4/2019
U/B Midrange Rudy Briksza SCG Open Legacy - Syracuse - 03/03/2019 33rd-64th 3/4/2019
Miracles Lucas Cruz SCG Open Legacy - Syracuse - 03/03/2019 33rd-64th 3/4/2019
The Jankening TufRussian 3/1/2019
Depala Cherusan 2/27/2019
Kithkin (Budget) Casual_Scrub 2/26/2019
judith Cherusan 2/25/2019
Izzet Wizard Storm LordDrubie 2/25/2019
test2 Cherusan 2/25/2019
Lavinia Hate Bear RiotRunner 2/25/2019
Esper Control Toru Inoue Mythic Championship Cleveland 2019 2/25/2019
Mono-Blue Aggro Steve Rubin Mythic Championship Cleveland 2019 2/25/2019
Bogles! corum64@yahoo.com 2/20/2019
Mono-Red Phoenix Syrus 2/20/2019
Mono-Blue Aggro Toru Inoue Magicfest Memphis 2019 5th-8th 2/18/2019
Mono-Blue Aggro Steve Rubin Magicfest Memphis 2019 5th-8th 2/18/2019
Teysa 7 MajorSugarRush 2/17/2019
Teysa 7 MajorSugarRush 2/17/2019
Teysa 6 MajorSugarRush 2/17/2019
Teysa 5 MajorSugarRush 2/17/2019
Teysa 3 MajorSugarRush 2/17/2019
Teysa v2 MajorSugarRush 2/17/2019
Teysa v2 MajorSugarRush 2/17/2019
dredge drulermike 2/14/2019
Aggro Blue Syrus 2/13/2019
Azorius Tetsuko Aggro shrub 2/12/2019
U/R Phoenix Andrew Robdrup MagicFest Toronto 2019 17th-32nd 2/11/2019
U/R Drakes Aaron Rubin SCG Open Standard - Dallas - 02/10/2019 33rd-64th 2/11/2019
Shaman Tribal StruggsHuggs 2/9/2019
UG Ally Mill Modern TrueImmortal 2/7/2019
Inalla ConjugalWalrus 2/4/2019
fish are friends...not food Trusty_Rusty 2/3/2019
Vannifar Pod 2.0 Ryzaru 1/31/2019
Ad Nauseam Tyrus Pawlik SCG Classic Modern - Indianapolis - 01/27/2019 9th-16th 1/28/2019
Burn Zirui Zhou SCG Open Modern - Worcester - 01/12/2019 17th-32nd 1/14/2019
Modern GR Haste Construct Games 1/12/2019
Modern Soul Sisters Construct Games 1/12/2019
UB Burn ronrussell 1/9/2019
Kess Budget Doomsday Rust0neD 1/7/2019
Mono White Aggro Michael Russo SCG Classic Standard - Columbus - 01/06/2019 9th-16th 1/7/2019

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