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Search Results for Magic Decks by Lis

Viewing 651 - 700 of 1852 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Shop aalistor 5/23/2014
Hidden Sage aalistor 5/23/2014
Ghost Daddy Control aalistor 5/22/2014
Revel Ramp aalistor 5/22/2014
Splinter Twin Aurora_Borealis (4-0) 5/22/2014
Pyromancer Ascension Aurora_Borealis (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/5/14 5/20/2014
Selesnya Aggro Calisto_dancer (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/5/14 5/16/2014
American Control Melissa DeTora 5/14/2014
BantChantments Melissa DeTora 5/14/2014
Pyromancer Ascension Inglish MTGO Modern Premier - 7051622 - 5/3/14 3rd-4th 5/9/2014
Good 4-Color Delver Malistre 5/8/2014
Selesnya Aggro Calisto_dancer (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/28/14 5/7/2014
Tezzerator aalistor 5/5/2014
American delver modern aalistor 5/5/2014
Gruul Midrange Eddie Solis 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Dallas - 4/12 9th-16th 5/2/2014
American Delver Eddie Solis 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Dallas - 4/13 1st 5/1/2014
4-Color Delver Malistre 4/30/2014
Naya Auras Melissa DeTora 4/30/2014
Monoblack Aggro Melissa DeTora 4/30/2014
Orzhov Aggro Melissa DeTora 4/30/2014
Monowhite Aggro Melissa DeTora 4/30/2014
RUG Depths MTG Decklists 4/29/2014
UW Devotion Melissa DeTora 4/25/2014
Chalice Affinity aalistor 4/24/2014
church ale aalistor 4/23/2014
Ninja Fae aalistor 4/23/2014
Pyromancer Ascension Aurora_Borealis (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/7/14 4/22/2014
Grixis Delver Malistre 4/21/2014
Naya Auras Lister1991 MTGO Standard Premier - 6950638 - 4/6/14 3rd-4th 4/20/2014
Modern | GW Hate Polish Tamales 4/14/2014
mono U devotion aalistor 4/14/2014
BW humans aalistor 4/14/2014
BWR Tokens Polish Tamales 4/9/2014
BWR Midrange Melissa DeTora 4/9/2014
Monoblue Devotion Nathannael Maliszewski 2014 Grand Prix Phoenix - 4/5 9th-16th 4/7/2014
Boros Burn Rob Liszka 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Milwaukee - 4/5 5th-8th 4/7/2014
UW Devotion Melissa DeTora 4/5/2014
Forgemaster MUD MTG Decklists 4/3/2014
Junk Reanimator Melissa DeTora 4/2/2014
Monoblack Aggro Jason Ellis TCGplayer Open 5K Hartford, CT - 3/29/14 9th-16th 3/31/2014
UWR Twin Polish Tamales 3/30/2014
expensive so it must win aalistor 3/27/2014
Black Moon aalistor 3/27/2014
budget golgari aalistor 3/27/2014
RUG twin aalistor 3/27/2014
Valakut aalistor 3/27/2014
EDH French Kaalia Polish Tamales 3/27/2014
Selesnya Aggro Calisto_dancer (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/17/14 3/26/2014
ad nauseam unlife aalistor 3/25/2014
amulet combo aalistor 3/25/2014

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