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Search Results for Magic Decks by Ev

Viewing 7101 - 7150 of 7321 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
burning bridges mono seven 4/26/2005
187 mono seven 4/26/2005
Angry Kaminari Manuel Bevand 4/17/2005
Orb Control - Version 3 Manuel Bevand 4/17/2005
Orb Control - Version 2 Manuel Bevand 4/17/2005
Orb Control - Version 1 Manuel Bevand 4/17/2005
rat slivers4ever 4/16/2005
mono black discard slivers4ever 4/15/2005
White Weenie (samurai) Neventhrayll 4/5/2005
Mono-Blue Control Manuel Bevand 3/31/2005
Mono Blue Control Sandy Thevenon 2005 Regionals Paris, France 9th-16th 3/31/2005
snakeball Stevebizzle 3/28/2005
UG Control Trevor Baker 2005 Local Salem, OR 3/27/2005
Angels Reborn dev3175 3/19/2005
Seshiro's Tribe dev3175 3/19/2005
Snake Ball Jeeves 3/16/2005
Mono-Red Creation I evilempire 3/15/2005
Darksteel control KP Evil Betty 3/15/2005
Turbo Magpie! Manuel Bevand 3/8/2005
Zubera Attack evilempire 3/3/2005
Life Steve Birklid PTQ Philly: Anchorage, AK 3rd-4th 2/28/2005
Life Steven Pepper PTQ Philly: Mobile, AL 3rd-4th 2/28/2005
Green F. Goblins Devin Manuel PTQ Philly: Mobile, AL 5th-8th 2/27/2005
GW Control Evan Weingarten 2/21/2005
Rift Slide Ljubojevic Sasa 2/16/2005
Reanimator Kevin Hansen PTQ Philly: Wheat Ridge, CO 3rd-4th 2/13/2005
Madness Steve Chapman PTQ Philly: Wheat Ridge, CO 1st 2/13/2005
Red Deck Wins Matthew Stevens PTQ Philly: Columbus OH 5th-8th 2/3/2005
Tooth and Nail Kevin Binswanger 1/16/2005
WGB cow Evilcrap 1/16/2005
Solidarity Kevin Binswanger 1/5/2005
ATS Kevin Binswanger 1/5/2005
Blue Kevin Binswanger 1/5/2005
Goblins Kevin Binswanger 1/4/2005
Shaped Soil RyanStevens 12/7/2004
Unspeakable Prison RyanStevens 12/6/2004
KCI Unbeatable RyanStevens 12/5/2004
Kitty - second try Manuel Bevand 11/18/2004
Kitty Prototype Manuel Bevand 11/18/2004
Sneak Attack Manuel Bevand Pro Tour Columbus 2004 11/18/2004
Kitty! Manuel Bevand 11/18/2004
U/G Control Rob Eves 2004 Champs - London 3rd-4th 11/17/2004
U/G Control Evan Weingarten 11/16/2004
Splicemaker 2.0 Revised matchup deck 11/14/2004
Tooth and Nail Kevin Moos 2004 Champs - North Dakota 5th-8th 11/2/2004
Affinity William Reeves 2004 Champs - Ohio 3rd-4th 11/1/2004
Rock Levi Howa 2004 Champs - Utah 2nd 10/26/2004
Ironworks Steven Birklid 2004 Champs - Alaska 5th-8th 10/26/2004
GW Control Steve Olson 2004 Champs - Iowa 3rd-4th 10/25/2004
GR Freshmaker Kevin Jones 2004 Champs - New York 5th-8th 10/25/2004

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