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Search Results for Magic Decks by C.O.B.

Viewing 751 - 800 of 894 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
UWR Walker Jacob Simmons 2010 National Qualifiers - West Virginia 5th-8th 5/18/2010
tezzeret jacobthewolf 5/7/2010
Jund Jacob Dobbs 2010 PTQ Amsterdam: San Diego 2nd 5/6/2010
Naya Allies V8 Whitecobra 5/1/2010
Fish (Help/Comment!!) jacobkelly73 4/25/2010
Naya Allies V5 Whitecobra 4/25/2010
GW Knight jacobkelly73 4/24/2010
Naya Allies V4 Whitecobra 4/23/2010
Naya Allies Whitecobra 4/18/2010
White Weenie Combo Whitecobra 4/17/2010
W/U Combo Allies Whitecobra 4/17/2010
Bant Wall Control jacobkelly73 4/15/2010
U/W Allies Whitecobra 4/14/2010
Junk (Comments!!!) jacobkelly73 4/3/2010
budget blue white control jacobthewolf 3/31/2010
koros boros jacobthewolf 3/22/2010
eldrazi tinker jacobthewolf 3/22/2010
Jund Jacob Dobbs 2010 TCGplayer.com $5k Series - LA 5th-8th 3/22/2010
W/U Allies V2.0 Whitecobra 3/20/2010
W/U Allies *comments* Whitecobra 3/18/2010
Ruins of Boros jacobhumphreys 3/15/2010
BorosRuins2(plz comment) jacobhumphreys 3/15/2010
BorosRuins(plz comment) jacobhumphreys 3/15/2010
W/U Allies **Comments** Whitecobra 3/15/2010
Boros Ruins jacobhumphreys 3/14/2010
Grixis Midrange (Comment) jacobkelly73 3/14/2010
KorosBushwacker jacobhumphreys 3/13/2010
W/U Allies Whitecobra 3/12/2010
U/W Allies Aggro Whitecobra 3/11/2010
Boss Naya KDCobain MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - 3/4/2010 3/5/2010
Elves Mark Jacobson 2010 San Juan PTQ: (2/27) Boston 1st 3/4/2010
Smallpox (Comments!!) jacobkelly73 3/2/2010
B/W Artifacts Comment! jacobkelly73 3/2/2010
Affinity [Comments!] jacobkelly73 3/1/2010
EVA Green Control jacobkelly73 2/28/2010
tom the boss ross naya jacobthewolf 2/26/2010
swag surfers jacobthewolf 2/26/2010
cruel control jacobthewolf 2/26/2010
UW Allies 2.0 jacobkelly73 2/23/2010
naya lightsaber jacobthewolf 2/21/2010
UW Allies jacobkelly73 2/20/2010
boros bushwacker jacobthewolf 2/18/2010
Unbeatable White Allies Whitecobra 2/17/2010
Mono-White Allies Whitecobra 2/11/2010
Pyromancer Ascension jacobkelly73 2/10/2010
Standard Stax jacobkelly73 2/10/2010
Abyssal Jund jacobkelly73 2/9/2010
Jund Persecution jacobkelly73 2/2/2010
Allie FTW Whitecobra 2/2/2010
Bant Zoo jacobkelly73 2/1/2010

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