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Search Results for Magic Decks by Lis

Viewing 751 - 800 of 1852 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Gray Control aalistor 2/18/2014
Snapdragon aalistor 2/18/2014
Canadian Delver v2 aalistor 2/18/2014
The Magnificent Three aalistor 2/18/2014
American Delver Melissa DeTora 2014 Grand Prix Paris - 2/15 2/18/2014
Safety Maze aalistor 2/17/2014
Jace of Spades aalistor 2/17/2014
Fish Malistre 2/16/2014
Team America 2014 aalistor 2/11/2014
Bant 2014 (modern) aalistor 2/11/2014
Sneak/Show MTG Decklists 2/10/2014
prison deck aalistor 2/10/2014
rest in pieces aalistor 2/10/2014
Esper Nonsense aalistor 2/10/2014
Counter Burn Juke aalistor 2/10/2014
BUG control 2014 aalistor 2/10/2014
Bob Burn aalistor 2/10/2014
Fake Faeries (modern) aalistor 2/10/2014
Black Merchant aalistor 2/10/2014
Bant Superfriends aalistor 2/10/2014
Vanilla Oreos aalistor 2/10/2014
Esper Oreos aalistor 2/7/2014
esper control BNG aalistor 2/7/2014
Jund (Fae meta) aalistor 2/7/2014
BW Tokens Melissa DeTora 2/5/2014
Domain Zoo Melissa DeTora 2/5/2014
Poly Breach aalistor 2/4/2014
modern Naya 2014 aalistor 2/4/2014
Modern Next Level Naya aalistor 2/4/2014
Jund (aka Faecrusher) aalistor 2/4/2014
haha future of modern gg aalistor 2/4/2014
Polymorph aalistor 1/29/2014
UB control 2014 aalistor 1/29/2014
UWr flash aalistor 1/29/2014
Esper Control mod aalistor 1/28/2014
Snap-Tide MTG Decklists 1/22/2014
RD always W aalistor 1/21/2014
Springleaf Bumrush 2014 aalistor 1/21/2014
Modern UB control aalistor 1/21/2014
BWR Burn PetyrBaelish (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/6/14 1/17/2014
BG Devotion Shawn Ellis 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Orlando - 1/12 9th-16th 1/13/2014
Monoblack Devotion PortalIsland2 MTGO Standard Premier - 6488802 - 12/28/13 9th-16th 1/8/2014
DOOOOOOOOM aalistor 1/2/2014
Faeries Melissa DeTora 1/1/2014
Cognivore Oath Melissa DeTora 1/1/2014
Belcher obnixilis 12/30/2013
PewPew Stompy obnixilis 12/30/2013
Call // Agent MTG Decklists 12/24/2013
Midrange MTG Decklists 12/19/2013
True Fish aalistor 12/17/2013

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