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Search Results for Magic Decks by Charles

Viewing 51 - 100 of 304 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
White-Blue Flash Charles Eliatamby 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 33rd-64th 12/5/2016
Abzan Company Charles League 2016 Grand Prix Dallas 33rd-64th 11/8/2016
B/G Delirium Charles Davis 2016 TCGplayer Standard State Champs - MS 5th-8th 11/7/2016
Mardu Gearhulks Charles Hillman 2016 TCGplayer Standard State Champs - ME 5th-8th 11/6/2016
Eldrazi Control Charles Nordstrom 2016 TCGplayer Standard State Champs - AK 5th-8th 11/2/2016
R/G Energy Charles Stanley 2016 TCGplayer Standard State Champs - NM 2nd 10/31/2016
Bant Midrange Charles Eliatamby Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
Shardless Sultai Charles Pugh 2016 SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 7/9 7/11/2016
W/G Tokens Charles Porges 2016 SCG Open Standard - Orlando - 6/18 9th-16th 6/22/2016
W/R Humans Charles Gindy 2016 SCG Open Standard - Orlando - 6/18 5th-8th 6/22/2016
Eldrazi Charles League 2016 Grand Prix Columbus 6/13/2016
Grixis Control Charles League 2016 Grand Prix Minneapolis 6/1/2016
Mono-Blue Delver CharlesSnail MTGO Modern League (5-0): 4/18-4/24 4/21/2016
Zoo Charles Porges 2016 SCG Classic Modern - Columbus - 4/17 1st 4/19/2016
Demonic Pact Charles League 2016 StarCity Open Standard - Baltimore - 4/9 4/11/2016
Abzan Company Charles League Pro Tour Oath of the Gatewatch: 21-23 points 2/10/2016
Sneak and Show Charles Chandler 2016 StarCity Open Legacy - Charlotte - 1/10 5th-8th 1/11/2016
Grixis Delver CharlesBukowski (5-0) MTGO Modern League (5-0) - Week of 11/16/15 12/15/2015
Abzan Collected Company Charles League 2015 Grand Prix Pittsburgh - 11/21 9th-16th 11/23/2015
Mardu Superfriends Charles Gindy TCGplayer Open 5K Jacksonville, FL - 11/7/2015 5th-8th 11/12/2015
Bring to Light Control Charles Clark TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - North Dakota 3rd-4th 11/4/2015
R/G Aggro Charles Martin 2015 Grand Prix Indianapolis - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
Abzan Midrange Charles Stephens 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Charlotte - 8/23 5th-8th 8/24/2015
Naya Burn Charles Bickford MaxPoint Bronze - Legacy Gaming - 6/20/15 3rd-4th 6/30/2015
Affinity Charles Batschelet 2015 Modern State Championships - New Jersey 5th-8th 4/14/2015
UR Delver Charles Hagaman 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Philadelphia - 1/11 9th-16th 1/12/2015
UW Heroic Charles Sampson 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Portland - 12/6 9th-16th 12/10/2014
Affinity Charles Fitzpatrick MaxPoint Silver - Empire Game Center - 11/29/14 1st 12/3/2014
Naya Superfriends Charles Bell 2014 Standard State Championships - Alabama 5th-8th 10/29/2014
Mardu Midrange Charles Chandler MaxPoint Gold - Unity Games - 10/12/14 5th-8th 10/20/2014
Temur Fires charlesblue 10/16/2014
Abzan Midrange Charles Hudak 2014 Standard State Championships - New Mexico 2nd 10/6/2014
Affinity Charles Fitzpatrick 2014 StarCity PIQ Modern - Somerset - 8/31 9th-16th 10/1/2014
RUG Twin Charles Milutinovic 2014 Modern State Championships - Illinois 5th-8th 8/9/2014
Monoblue Devotion Charles Fitzpatrick MaxPoint Silver - Galaxy Games - 7/19/14 3rd-4th 7/31/2014
Death and Taxes CharlesCarmichael (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/19/14 6/3/2014
Orzhov Control Charles Flores MaxPoint Gold - Game Heroes - 3/30/14 5th-8th 3/31/2014
Rakdos Aggro Charles Flores Appreciation Weekend - Above and Beyond Games 1st 3/3/2014
Monoblack Devotion Charles Bickford Appreciation Weekend - Legacy Gaming Company 3rd-4th 2/27/2014
RW Devotion Charles Fitzgerald 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Baltimore - 1/25 9th-16th 1/27/2014
4C Birthing Pod Charlesjacenorman MTGO Modern Events - Week of 12/2/13 1st 12/13/2013
4C Birthing Pod Charlesjacenorman MTGO Modern Events - Week of 12/2/13 3rd-4th 12/13/2013
Esper Stone-Blade Charles Gordon 2013 StarCity Open Legacy - Oakland - 12/8 1st 12/12/2013
UW Devotion Charles Lancaster 2013 Grand Prix Dallas - 12/7 9th-16th 12/9/2013
Junk Midrange Charles Zingsheim TCGplayer Fall States 2013 - Iowa 5th-8th 10/14/2013
Junk Aristocrats Charles Johnson 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Baltimore - 8/24 2nd 8/26/2013
UB Mill Charles Milutinovic VIP Qualifier - Niles, IL 5th-8th 8/8/2013
Gruul Midrange Charles Bickford VIP Qualifier - Syracuse, NY 3rd-4th 8/6/2013
Naya Humans Charles Barrett Standard Silver TCQ - Hickory, NC - 6/15/13 3rd-4th 6/17/2013
BW Zombies Charles Smith 2013 Spring States - Kentucky 5th-8th 5/23/2013

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