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Search Results for Magic Decks by ewa

Viewing 51 - 100 of 386 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Vampire Commander OneEyeWay 3/26/2018
Collection eyewannadie 3/14/2018
Lord of Tressorhorn onewa64 3/6/2018
Tresserdeck onewa64 3/5/2018
Riku Commander OneEyeWay 2/24/2018
Zombie Commander Deck OneEyeWay 2/22/2018
End Turn Deck OneEyeWay 2/17/2018
W/U Approach paolothewall182 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 2/12 - 2/18 2/16/2018
Elf Tokens and Big Boys OneEyeWay 2/10/2018
Four-Color Tokens paolothewall182 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 11/13-11/19 11/27/2017
Sultai Energy Marius Cholewa SCG Baltimore Team Open - Standard - 11/18/2017 2nd 11/26/2017
Four-Color Tokens paolothewall182 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 11/6-11/12 11/7/2017
Four-Color Tokens paolothewall182 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 10/23-10/29 10/30/2017
W/B Tokens paolothewall182 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 10/9-10/15 10/16/2017
Black/Red Wins JohnnieWalkerU 10/6/2017
Naya Token and Devour JohnnieWalkerU 10/5/2017
Abzan Tokens paolothewall182 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 10/2-10/8 10/3/2017
W/B Tokens Improvise JohnnieWalkerU 10/3/2017
R/W Prison Lesli Stewart SCG Classic Modern - Dallas - 10/1/17 17th-32nd 10/2/2017
Orzhov Lifelink JohnnieWalkerU 9/6/2017
Zombie Deck First Deck OneEyeWay 8/30/2017
Mono Blue Smuggler Stewart Caldwell (Darkdudewas) 7/13/2017
Living End Stewart Caldwell (Darkdudewas) 7/9/2017
Domain Zoo Stewart Caldwell (Darkdudewas) 6/29/2017
Temur Marvel Bartlomiej Lewandowski Grand Prix Amsterdam 2017 17th-32nd 6/4/2017
Blue Black Control Stewart Caldwell (Darkdudewas) 5/30/2017
Lots of money Gateway 5/15/2017
Mono green stompy Gateway 5/15/2017
Blue Montrol PeeweeWater 5/4/2017
Presence of midnight guard Gateway 4/13/2017
Four-Color Aetherworks paolothewall182 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 4/03-4/09 4/7/2017
MO R/G Energy PeeweeWater 3/28/2017
MO Eldrazi PeeweeWater 3/19/2017
Bant Eldrazi Michael Stewart 2017 TCGplayer States - MI 2nd 3/6/2017
Esper Flash Processor JohnnieWalkerU 3/3/2017
UB Tower of Metal JohnnieWalkerU 2/28/2017
GWB Human Constrictor JohnnieWalkerU 2/28/2017
Revolt Zoo Michael Stewart SCG Open Modern - Indianapolis - 2/26/17 9th-16th 2/27/2017
Elf multi Axewalks 1/21/2017
WU Flash Marius Cholewa 2016 TCGplayer Standard State Champs - VA 5th-8th 11/7/2016
Bogles Ian Jasheway 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 6/28/2016
Scapeshift Bartlomiej Lewandowski 2016 Grand Prix Bologna 3/7/2016
Jund David Stewart Oath of the Gatewatch RPTQ - Toronto 3rd-4th 11/6/2015
U/B Aristocrats Benjamin Stewart 2015 StarCity Open Standard - St. Louis - 10/25 9th-16th 10/26/2015
GB Elves planewalkerross 9/7/2015
GR Devotion Bartlomie Lewandowski 2015 Grand Prix London - 8/15 9th-16th 8/17/2015
Red Deck Wins Bartlomie Lewandowski Pro Tour Magic Origins 9th-16th 8/3/2015
Naya Chord PerryStewart (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/15/15 7/8/2015
Esper Control Marius Cholewa 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Worcester - 5/24 9th-16th 5/25/2015
Jeskai Tokens Bartlomie Lewandowski 2015 Grand Prix Krakow - 4/18 3rd-4th 4/21/2015

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