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Search Results for Magic Decks by Ish

Viewing 51 - 100 of 1960 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
sns jfish 8/1/2020
Five-Color Niv JAPANESEFISHERMAN MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 07/26/2020 5th-8th 7/28/2020
Temur Reclamation Ryosuke Nishiura SCG Tour Online Season One Championship - 07/19/2020 5th-8th 7/21/2020
Mayael the anima Critical Fish 7/16/2020
Sultai Ramp Hyuma Nishi Players Tour Online 3 - June 20-21, 2020 17th-32nd 6/24/2020
Thada Adel Kishresgalza 6/17/2020
Jund Sacrifice Takuma Ishikawa Players Tour Online 1 - June 13-14, 2020 17th-32nd 6/15/2020
Atraxa Proliferate PunishedCheems 5/31/2020
Atraxa Proliferate PunishedCheems 5/31/2020
Atraxa Proliferate PunishedCheems 5/29/2020
Atraxa Proliferate PunishedCheems 5/29/2020
Atraxa Proliferate PunishedCheems 5/29/2020
Atraxa Proliferate PunishedCheems 5/29/2020
Atraxa Proliferate PunishedCheems 5/27/2020
Atraxa Proliferate PunishedCheems 5/27/2020
Atraxa Proliferate PunishedCheems 5/27/2020
Atraxa Proliferate PunishedCheems 5/27/2020
Atraxa Proliferate PunishedCheems 5/27/2020
Atraxa Proliferate PunishedCheems 5/27/2020
Cycling PhishPhan MFO Weekly Championship #2 - 05/04/2020 9th-16th 5/5/2020
Darnit Lilly, I Dont Control the Demons theflourishuser 4/25/2020
Sultai Midrange fishduggery MTGO Legacy Super PTQ - 03/26/2020 9th-16th 4/1/2020
Budget General Tazri Kishresgalza 3/29/2020
Mono green Devotion HellFish 3/24/2020
Azorius Blink MagicManisHere1994 3/18/2020
Ral / Nissa Planewide Celebration PunishedCheems 3/11/2020
Orzhov Auras Ulanapishtim MTGO Standard Challenge - 03/07/2020 17th-32nd 3/11/2020
Inalla CEDH Mk. 2 PunishedCheems 3/11/2020
Forge Infinite PunishedCheems 3/10/2020
Inalla Archmage Ritualist EDH semi-comp PunishedCheems 3/3/2020
Jodah EDH Kishresgalza 3/3/2020
Mono-Red Burn Salty_Englishman 3/2/2020
Sephara, Irishgizmo2782 2/28/2020
Izzet Wizards Takuya Ishizuki MagicFest Nagoya - 02/02/2020 1st 2/5/2020
Dimir Inverter Shintaro Ishimura Players Tour Nagoya - 02/02/2020 3rd-4th 2/4/2020
Mono White Devotion (Lifegain) XDFishyXD 2/2/2020
Five-Color Niv JAPANESEFISHERMAN MTGO Pioneer Showcase - 01/26/2020 9th-16th 1/31/2020
Tron jfish 1/23/2020
Azourious Ascension Irishgizmo2782 1/16/2020
Hixus Stax AmishWarlord08 12/28/2019
Dragons Irishgizmo2782 12/24/2019
Jeskai Fires Joby Parrish MagicFest Portland 2019 9th-16th 12/23/2019
Grunn's 1 shot AmishWarlord08 12/15/2019
Kumena Merfolk Tribal AmishWarlord08 11/22/2019
Radha (High-Powered Casual) AmishWarlord08 11/20/2019
Budget ($100) Gadwick AmishWarlord08 11/12/2019
Ilharg's Extra Combats AmishWarlord08 10/30/2019
Rakdos Splash Macullish 10/12/2019
Mono-Green Tron Joshua Koutishian SCG Modern Classic - Philadelphia - 10/3/19 5th-8th 10/9/2019
Mill for eldraine deathoffish 10/8/2019

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