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Search Results for Magic Decks by _SiX_

Viewing 51 - 100 of 113 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
UB Heartless Summoning cRiSiSsiX (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 7/23/12 7/30/2012
White Tokens thesixler 7/6/2012
cv poussix 7/5/2012
Splinterfright dredge thesixler 5/26/2012
Blue Black Control thesixler 5/24/2012
B/U Zombie Apocalypse thesixler 5/11/2012
Flyers thesixler 5/7/2012
B/R Vamp Aggro thesixler 5/6/2012
turbo fog thesixler 5/5/2012
skitter thesixler 5/5/2012
cant be real thesixler 5/5/2012
Senor Stompy thesixler 5/5/2012
werewolves thesixler 5/5/2012
Defenders thesixler 5/5/2012
UR delver physix101 5/4/2012
puresteel thesixler 4/30/2012
Puresteel Spear thesixler 4/28/2012
random physix101 4/25/2012
Grave physix101 4/24/2012
Mono Red Storm physix101 4/24/2012
UW Tokens Sixtomidnite 10/27/2011
Animar all permanents physix101 10/14/2011
UB Tezzeret Sixtomidnite 8/26/2011
Tezzeret Control Brian Six 2011 PTQ Philadelphia - Columbus, OH - 7/3 3rd-4th 7/12/2011
the grinder BravoOneOneSix 5/8/2011
green infect BravoOneOneSix 4/29/2011
blue black infect BravoOneOneSix 4/27/2011
sword of boros BravoOneOneSix 3/16/2011
goblins BravoOneOneSix 2/26/2011
little mermaid Numbersix 2/22/2011
metal aggro ver1 comments aMOksiX 2/13/2011
Conscription Brian Six 2011 PTQ Nagoya - Columbus (1/15) 3rd-4th 1/18/2011
U Mill sixela14 9/9/2010
spawned sixpin rox 4/21/2010
LEVEL UP sixpin rox 4/15/2010
Allied Front SixWaysZero 4/7/2010
Queller sixpin rox 3/13/2010
fia powa sixpin rox 2/8/2010
drawa spread'em sixpin rox 1/24/2010
drawing= bad sixpin rox 1/17/2010
Dream Salvage thesixler 12/5/2009
Horrors (budget) thesixler 11/21/2009
Horrors thesixler 11/21/2009
Haakon Knights thesixler 11/11/2009
Megrim Lab thesixler 11/11/2009
Swans Gerald Sixkiller 2009 PTQ Austin: Kansas City, USA 5th-8th 5/28/2009
Zoo Brian Six 2009 GP Chicago 5th-8th 3/10/2009
TEPS Gerald Sixkiller 2009 PTQ Honolulu - Little Rock 5th-8th 3/5/2009
1st Place Gerald Sixkiller 2008 State Champs - Oklahoma 1st 11/10/2008
Sisay's Legend Bonanza sixhundred23 12/3/2007

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