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Search Results for Magic Decks by Stew

Viewing 51 - 100 of 144 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Drog-Go stewieg21 3/12/2013
American Midrange StewpendouS MTGO Standard Premier - 5061602 - 2/23/13 5th-8th 2/28/2013
grim path stewieg21 11/19/2012
demon post stewieg21 10/31/2012
American Control Stewart Caldwell 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 10/20 9th-16th 10/23/2012
Bant Midrange Arthur Stewart 2012 States - Montana 3rd-4th 10/15/2012
reanimator stewieg21 9/4/2012
the greay stewieg21 8/31/2012
UW Delver Arthur Stewart 2012 PTQ Ravnica - Bozeman, MT - 7/28 1st 8/8/2012
Abuse the Ooze Devstew 7/16/2012
Primal Wulf Run stewieg21 7/11/2012
ubdelver stewieg21 6/1/2012
BRINFECT stewieg21 5/23/2012
combo stewieg21 4/29/2012
Gifts Rock Jeff_Stewart MTGO Modern PTQ - 3/17/12 9th-16th 3/22/2012
Bant Gifts Jeff_Stewart (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 3/12/12 3/19/2012
Pyromancer Ascension Edward Stewart 2012 PTQ Barcelona - Lenexa, KS - 2/25 5th-8th 3/9/2012
black white aggro stewieg21 2/9/2012
heartless myr stewieg21 1/1/2012
mirror affinity stewieg21 1/1/2012
No Mana StewyBones 12/16/2011
Metalworker stewieg21 12/6/2011
the perfect storm stewieg21 10/20/2011
tokens stewieg21 10/17/2011
WW no rares StewyBones 10/10/2011
Caw-Blade BrainStew53 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/1/11 8/3/2011
bad omens stewieg21 7/28/2011
Red Deck Wins Kyle Stewart 2011 PTQ Philadelphia - Garden City, MI - 7/23 5th-8th 7/27/2011
aggro stewieg21 7/26/2011
suicide stewieg21 7/25/2011
Ula's Quest stewieg21 7/24/2011
standard phish stewieg21 7/13/2011
Cheep Mana infect RedtoddStewart 6/30/2011
mono brown stewieg21 6/9/2011
U/B/Art Proliferate DMStewart 5/18/2011
U/W Proliferate DMStewart 4/29/2011
Discard/Mill DMStewart 4/29/2011
Elves Patrick Wadsak-Stewart 2011 Regionals - Charlotte, NC 2nd 4/19/2011
Faeries Jeff Stewart 2011 PTQ Nagoya - Roanoke (1/8) 2nd 1/17/2011
U/B Vamps stewieg21 12/25/2010
b/r vamps stewieg21 12/25/2010
R/U stewarjh 12/11/2010
UB stewarjh 12/4/2010
Elf-Vine stewarjh 10/26/2010
UB Infect-Proliferate Stewbond 10/26/2010
Valakut Ramp Jeff Stewart 2010 Champs - North Carolina 5th-8th 10/12/2010
Big Red Mike Stewart 2010 Champs - Nevada 1st 10/11/2010
White Tokens Alex Stewart 2010 National Qualifiers - New Brunswick 5th-8th 5/19/2010
Turbo Emeria Skyler Stewart 2010 PTQ Amsterdam: Salt Lake City 5th-8th 5/5/2010
Eldrazi Giants Stewbond 4/19/2010

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