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Search Results for Magic Decks by Dam

Viewing 1001 - 1050 of 1773 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
tgerte AdamM86 4/12/2012
Discard mayhem Damagecontrol8 4/12/2012
Affinity Cody Damm 2012 PTQ Barcelona - Knoxville, TN - 4/1 3rd-4th 4/11/2012
Tooth and Nail Scott Dames 2012 PTQ Barcelona - Lincoln, NE - 3/24 3rd-4th 4/10/2012
Frites Adam Varner 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Des Moines - 4/7 9th-16th 4/10/2012
Frites Adam Boyd 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Des Moines - 4/7 3rd-4th 4/10/2012
Red Deck Wins AdamDT 4/8/2012
Esper Delver AdamDT 4/8/2012
vampires! Damagecontrol8 4/5/2012
Mono Red AdamDT 4/4/2012
Esper Control JRDameonHv (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/19/12 3/29/2012
GW Shaman Adam Cai 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Baltimore - 3/25 1st 3/26/2012
Sneak and Tell Joshua Adams 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Baltimore - 3/25 3rd-4th 3/26/2012
Monogreen Tron Adam Yurchick 3/26/2012
Grixis Damagecontrol8 3/23/2012
Canadian Threshold Adam Turk Legacy Platinum TCQ - Indianapolis, IN - 3/11/12 3rd-4th 3/21/2012
Mage-Blade adamu_cisnien MTGO Standard Premier - 3/16/12 5th-8th 3/20/2012
Death By Zombies Damagecontrol8 3/17/2012
undying death Damagecontrol8 3/17/2012
Bant Blade Adam Schaff 2012 PTQ Barcelona - S. Attleboro, MA - 3/11 3rd-4th 3/16/2012
Affinity adamu_cisnien (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 3/5/12 3/15/2012
GW Budget Humans DamageInq 3/14/2012
Gifts Tron Adam Tellis 2012 PTQ Barcelona - Omaha, NE - 3/3 3rd-4th 3/12/2012
UG Splinterfright Damienstel 3/12/2012
Aggro Loam Adam Miller 2012 PTQ Barcelona - Worthington, OH - 2/26 3rd-4th 3/12/2012
UW Stone-Blade Adam Yurchick 2012 Grand Prix Indianapolis - 3/10 5th-8th 3/12/2012
Jnkwalkers pandaman404 3/11/2012
Jund Adam Imber 2012 PTQ Barcelona - Lenexa, KS - 2/25 5th-8th 3/9/2012
Dragons Damachi Wolf 3/9/2012
donate and tell damsp20 3/7/2012
Hex Blade pandaman404 3/6/2012
grixis delver adam flynn 3/1/2012
Mono Red AdamM86 2/28/2012
UB Control Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa 2012 Grand Prix Baltimore - 2/25 5th-8th 2/27/2012
Haunted Humans Adam Snook 2012 Grand Prix Baltimore - 2/25 5th-8th 2/27/2012
Affinity Cody Damm 2012 PTQ Barcelona - Louisville, KY - 2/18 5th-8th 2/24/2012
blinking blightsteel adam flynn 2/16/2012
Mage-Blade Adam Yurchick 2012 Pro Tour Dark Ascension - 2/12 2/15/2012
Caw-Blade JRDameonHv (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 2/6/12 2/14/2012
Caw-Blade JRDameonHv (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 2/6/12 2/14/2012
RG Aggro Adam Reiser 2012 Pro Tour Dark Ascension - Top Standard Decks 2/13/2012
Dredge Adam Prosak 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Cincinnati - 2/12 1st 2/13/2012
Wolf Run Ravager Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa 2012 Pro Tour Dark Ascension - 2/12 2nd 2/12/2012
Eldrazi jakob25adams 2/11/2012
Beast Token Deck jakob25adams 2/11/2012
RUG pandaman404 2/11/2012
U/B Zombies pandaman404 2/10/2012
R/B Zombies pandaman404 2/10/2012
Mono B Zombies & Friends pandaman404 2/10/2012
Undying pod adam flynn 2/9/2012

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