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Search Results for Magic Decks by ru-

Viewing 1101 - 1150 of 6895 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Jodah, Superfriends Kurufal 6/18/2018
Humans Tomoharu Saito Grand Prix Las Vegas 2018 17th-32nd 6/18/2018
Kambal, Consul of Allocation nosterude MTGO Brawl League: 06/17/18 6/18/2018
Sportscar burn Grunt_21_UT 6/17/2018
W/U God-Pharaoh's Gift BGruno MTGO Competitive Standard League: 06/14/18 6/15/2018
U/R Faeries kaeru0630 MTGO Competitive Pauper League: 06/13/18 6/14/2018
W/U God-Pharaoh's Gift GBruno MTGO Competitive Standard League: 06/11/18 6/13/2018
B/G Monsters rarudo-ntk-husk MTGO Competitive Standard League: 06/11/18 6/13/2018
Storm CyrusCG MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 06/09/18 6/11/2018
Mono-Red Aggro ruckus-mh Standard MOCS - 06/10/18 17th-32nd 6/11/2018
B/R Aggro thetruth718 Standard MOCS - 06/10/18 17th-32nd 6/11/2018
Mono-Black Discard Commander RiotRunner 6/8/2018
Abzan Midrange Zarutha MTGO Competitive Standard League: 06/07/18 6/8/2018
W/U Tokens smokeandruby MTGO Competitive Standard League: 06/07/18 6/8/2018
Sultai Control PeroLeMetemosBrutal MTGO Legacy Challenge: 6/4/2018 17th-32nd 6/7/2018
Burning Goblins Lord_Beerus MTGO Competitive Pauper League: 06/06/18 6/7/2018
U/R Burn brunoferrari599 MTGO Competitive Pauper League: 06/06/18 6/7/2018
Brago EDH Tanner Cruse 6/6/2018
dumb idea Yoru 6/5/2018
W/U Control truthordare MTGO Competitive Standard League: 06/04/18 6/5/2018
Storm CyrusCG MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 06/02/18 6/4/2018
B/R Midrange Andrej Rutar Pro Tour Dominaria 33rd-64th 6/3/2018
Esper Control Toru Inoue Pro Tour Dominaria 6/3/2018
Unblockable Rats RiotRunner 5/31/2018
W/U Control andoru011120 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 05/28/18 5/31/2018
Teferi Rock Nicklas Krull 5/31/2018
U/R Delver frucile MTGO Competitive Pauper League: 05/30/18 5/31/2018
Burning Goblins Lord_Beerus MTGO Competitive Pauper League: 05/30/18 5/31/2018
Orzhov Midrange garubana MTGO Pauper Challenge - 05/28/18 9th-16th 5/30/2018
Mono-Blue Artifacts Jackomatrus MTGO Competitive Standard League: 05/28/18 5/30/2018
Battle Pup, the Magnificent Yoru 5/30/2018
Like Pulling Teeth Bruce Richard 5/29/2018
UG Aggro Kptkrunch 5/29/2018
Jund RUBINHO_08 MTGO Modern Challenge 5/27/18 17th-32nd 5/29/2018
Czech Pile ruckus-mh MTGO Legacy Challenge: 5/27/2018 17th-32nd 5/28/2018
Goblins akaheru4443 MTGO Legacy Challenge: 5/27/2018 17th-32nd 5/28/2018
Sultai Control PeroLeMetemosBrutal MTGO Legacy Challenge: 5/27/2018 17th-32nd 5/28/2018
Titan Shift Bruce McAllister SCG Classic Modern - Minneapolis - 5/27/2018 9th-16th 5/28/2018
U/R Wizards Grunt_21_UT 5/28/2018
B/R Aggro TrollingSaruman MTGO Standard PTQ - 05/27/18 9th-16th 5/28/2018
Tezzeret Control Disgruntled_Elk MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/25/18 5/26/2018
W/U Control Sol0monGrundy MTGO Competitive Standard League: 05/24/18 5/25/2018
U/B Control tobimaru_magic MTGO Competitive Standard League: 05/24/18 5/25/2018
Najeela Commander Bruce Richard 5/24/2018
Saproling Algoruin 5/24/2018
Mono-Black Control haru2525 MTGO Competitive Pauper League: 05/23/18 5/24/2018
Kiki Chord Kurusu MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/22/18 5/23/2018
cube Ahrukin 5/22/2018
green Ahrukin 5/22/2018
artifacts Ahrukin 5/22/2018

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