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Search Results for Magic Decks by Ian

Viewing 1201 - 1250 of 4699 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Burn Christopher Juliano 2016 SCG Open Modern - NJ - 8/21 8/21/2016
Valakut Marcus Mavlian 2016 SCG Open Modern - NJ - 8/21 9th-16th 8/21/2016
Jund Delirium Christian Keeth 2016 Grand Prix Portland 9th-16th 8/15/2016
Bant Company Loic Le Briand 2016 Grand Prix Rimini 9th-16th 8/14/2016
R/G Delirium Adrian Sullivan Pro Tour Eldritch Moon 8/6/2016
B/G Emerge Ian Bosley 2016 SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 7/23 7/25/2016
Jund Dorian Fladger 2016 SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 7/23 7/25/2016
W/U Spirits Christopher Juliano 2016 SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 7/23 7/25/2016
Oloro Control iantheaardvark 7/17/2016
Goblin Prison SebastianStueckl MTGO Competitive Legacy League (5-0): 7/11-7/17 7/13/2016
Elves Julian23 MTGO Competitive Legacy League (5-0): 7/11-7/17 7/13/2016
Through the Breach Ian Morency 2016 SCG Classic Modern - Worcester - 7/10 9th-16th 7/11/2016
Death & Taxes Krystian Meza 2016 SCG Classic Modern - Worcester - 7/10 5th-8th 7/11/2016
Temur Delver Gerard Fabiano 2016 SCG Open Legacy - Worcester - 7/9 9th-16th 7/11/2016
Bant Humans Jian Sheng Xiu 2016 Grand Prix Taipei 6/28/2016
Jund Arian Moshrefi 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 6/28/2016
U/R Dragons Alex Bianchi 2016 Grand Prix Pittsburgh 6/28/2016
Jund Christopher Juliano 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 6/28/2016
Bogles Ian Jasheway 2016 SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 6/25 6/28/2016
W/G Tokens Julian Wildes 2016 Grand Prix Pittsburgh 9th-16th 6/28/2016
Bant Company Lee Shi Tian 2016 Grand Prix Taipei 3rd-4th 6/27/2016
Merfolk Ian Murphy 2016 SCG Classic Modern - Orlando - 6/19 9th-16th 6/22/2016
R/G Ramp Brian Ford 2016 SCG Open Standard - Orlando - 6/18 6/22/2016
Miracles Julian Feliz Flury 2016 Grand Prix Prague 6/14/2016
Shardless Sultai Fabian Moyschewitz 2016 Grand Prix Prague 9th-16th 6/14/2016
Temur Delver Gianluca Gazzola 2016 Grand Prix Prague 5th-8th 6/14/2016
Miracles Brian Braun-Duin 2016 Grand Prix Columbus 6/13/2016
Belcher Brian Guess 2016 SCG Classic Legacy - Atlanta - 6/5 5th-8th 6/8/2016
Death & Taxes Adrian Throop 2016 SCG Classic Legacy - Atlanta - 6/5 1st 6/8/2016
Bant Company Christian Calcano 2016 Grand Prix Costa Rica 9th-16th 6/6/2016
Bant Company Brian Braun-Duin 2016 Grand Prix Costa Rica 5th-8th 6/5/2016
Affinity Tianyu Yu 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - IA 5th-8th 6/2/2016
W/B Control Brian Cusick 2016 Grand Prix Minneapolis 9th-16th 6/1/2016
W/B Control Florian Koch 2016 Grand Prix Manchester 5/31/2016
U/B Faeries Christian Calcano Modern Weekend - 2016 Grand Prix Los Angeles 5/22/2016
Abzan Brian Braun-Duin Modern Weekend - 2016 Grand Prix Charlotte 5/22/2016
Bring to Light Scapeshift Eric Kurkian Modern Weekend - 2016 Grand Prix Charlotte 5/22/2016
Jeskai Control Alex Bianchi Modern Weekend - 2016 Grand Prix Charlotte 5/22/2016
Jeskai Control Ian Harding 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - RI 5th-8th 5/20/2016
Infect Ian Moyer 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - HI 5th-8th 5/20/2016
Heartbeat combo thewildasian 5/20/2016
Jund Emin Hatamian 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - NV 3rd-4th 5/19/2016
Jund Nick Lociano 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - LA 1st 5/18/2016
Jund Brian Schmidt 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - KS 5th-8th 5/17/2016
Jeskai Control Vidianto Wijaya 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - CA (S) 2nd 5/17/2016
Dredgevine Apex Canadian 5/13/2016
Mono-Blue Tron SebastianStueckl MTGO Modern League (5-0): 5/9-5/15 5/11/2016
W/G Tokens Brian Braun-Duin 2016 Grand Prix New York 5/10/2016
..... thewildasian 5/9/2016
Insolent Dredge Apex Canadian 5/7/2016

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