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Search Results for Magic Decks by SB

Viewing 1201 - 1250 of 1890 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Snow's bug mill itsbjd 2/12/2014
BUG Mill itsbjd 2/12/2014
Dimir Mill itsbjd 2/12/2014
Orzhov Trading Post chrisb0712 2/12/2014
Vela the Evasive KathiasBlack 2/11/2014
Mimeoplasm Mill itsbjd 2/10/2014
Jasmine EDH Verusb 2/9/2014
Animar EDH Verusb 2/9/2014
modern naya (THE REAL) trsblur 2/6/2014
Selesnya Auras KathiasBlack 2/5/2014
U/W Kitties KathiasBlack 2/5/2014
Twin Faries trsblur 2/3/2014
Pharika's Devoted KathiasBlack 1/28/2014
oloro price check trsblur 1/27/2014
Stuff It itsbjd 1/25/2014
Scapeshift shinolikesbugs (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/6/14 1/21/2014
Wildfire trsblur 1/20/2014
OMGred itsbjd 1/17/2014
Reanimator TobiasBoonDVD 1/15/2014
Scapeshift shinolikesbugs (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/30/13 1/14/2014
U/W Slide fwkometsbv 1/11/2014
Esper Control russbir MTGO Standard Premier - 6488876 - 12/30/13 9th-16th 1/9/2014
Time Bender KathiasBlack 1/6/2014
Mono-Red Devotion fwkometsbv 1/5/2014
oloro trsblur 1/4/2014
Myr Clan KathiasBlack 1/3/2014
Budget Simic KathiasBlack 1/2/2014
Bant Heroic fwkometsbv 12/15/2013
price list trsblur 12/11/2013
Mono Blue Control chaosbeans 12/5/2013
rg monsters bsb1016 12/2/2013
mono white bsb1016 11/25/2013
Junk Reanimator chrisb0712 11/15/2013
high 5 2.0 bsb1016 11/12/2013
high 5 bsb1016 11/12/2013
BUG Midrange chrisb0712 11/7/2013
Nekusar Commander Jamesborg99 11/5/2013
Temple of the Gods SBL 10/21/2013
R/W Midrange Jamesborg99 10/21/2013
UR Master of Waves chrisb0712 10/16/2013
Gruul Midrange Nathan Frisbee TCGplayer Fall States 2013 - West Virginia 3rd-4th 10/16/2013
Junk Midrange Ben Hornsby TCGplayer Fall States 2013 - Maine 5th-8th 10/14/2013
munch SBL 10/10/2013
domri SBL 10/9/2013
UWB SBL 10/9/2013
UWR SBL 10/9/2013
R/W Heroic v2 Jamesborg99 10/4/2013
kiln fiend pauper fwkometsbv 10/3/2013
4 cg 2.0 SBL 10/3/2013
Monsters SBL 10/3/2013

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