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Search Results for Magic Decks by Yan

Viewing 1251 - 1300 of 2064 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Delver Mill bbryan2011 8/9/2012
Frites Ryan Bemrose 2012 PTQ Ravnica - Seattle, WA - 7/28 5th-8th 8/9/2012
UW Delver syounennAattyan (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 7/30/12 8/6/2012
UW Delver Ryan Phraner 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Washington DC - 8/4 5th-8th 8/6/2012
UW Delver Yankees24 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 7/30/12 8/2/2012
UW Miracles Bryan Gottlieb 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Buffalo - 7/29 9th-16th 8/2/2012
UW Delver Ryan Phraner 2012 Platinum Qualifier - The Encounter 7/21 1st 7/31/2012
Innistrad/13 Vampires ryan.gibson 7/29/2012
u/w miracles gophersaiyan 7/26/2012
tradingpost please COMMEN RyanBaker 7/21/2012
elves gophersaiyan 7/21/2012
Stonebrow Beats Zyanide 7/19/2012
UW Stone-Blade Ryan Forsberg 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - St. Louis - 7/15 9th-16th 7/16/2012
Reanimator Sean Ryan 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Seattle - 7/1 9th-16th 7/16/2012
gob pod please HELP RyanBaker 7/16/2012
RW Humans Bryan Undercoffer Standard Bronze TCQ - Redding, CA - 6/29/12 1st 7/16/2012
3 color aggro gophersaiyan 7/15/2012
mono red gophersaiyan 7/14/2012
BG Beats MYank42 7/14/2012
original tezz control gophersaiyan 7/10/2012
u/b control gophersaiyan 7/8/2012
Zombie UltraSaiyan29 7/7/2012
Wolf Pack UltraSaiyan29 7/7/2012
UW Delver Ryan Kubin 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Seattle - 6/30 9th-16th 7/2/2012
Leo's Haunted Humans cyaniccypher 7/1/2012
grixis tezz control gophersaiyan 7/1/2012
tezzy control v. 4 gophersaiyan 7/1/2012
Jhoira is awesome! Zyanide 6/29/2012
tezz control v. 3 gophersaiyan 6/26/2012
RG Aggro Ryan Cribbs Wold Magic Cup Qualifier - Oakland - 6/9/12 2nd 6/26/2012
Naya Aggro gophersaiyan 6/26/2012
UW Control Bryan Hockey 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Detroit - 6/24 9th-16th 6/25/2012
Naya Aggro Ryan Gerhart 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Detroit - 6/23 9th-16th 6/25/2012
GW Aggro gophersaiyan 6/21/2012
UW Delver Ed Ryan Tanyag 2012 Grand Prix Manilla - 6/16 9th-16th 6/20/2012
ally UltraSaiyan29 6/20/2012
ub control v 3 gophersaiyan 6/20/2012
tezz control comparison gophersaiyan 6/19/2012
solar flare template gophersaiyan 6/18/2012
Angels RyanSkyMills 6/17/2012
tezz control gophersaiyan 6/16/2012
Mill 'Em ryanbunce 6/16/2012
Naya Pod Kiyan Nourain Standard Platinum TCQ - Brooklyn, NY - 6/9/12 1st 6/13/2012
Mage-Blade Ryan Nichels 2012 TCGplayer.com MaxPoint Diamond - Indianapolis 9th-16th 6/11/2012
mbc rate it RyanBaker 6/10/2012
Szadek EastyMoryan 6/7/2012
Horde of Chaos Zyanide 6/6/2012
Mage-Blade Ryan McKinney 2012 TCGplayer.com MaxPoint Diamond - Edison 3rd-4th 6/3/2012
UB Zombies Bryan Cole Standard Silver TCQ - Manitowoc, WI - 4/26/12 5th-8th 6/1/2012
Mage-Blade Ryan Forsberg Standard Silver TCQ - Niles, IL - 4/27/12 3rd-4th 6/1/2012

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