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Search Results for Magic Decks by bur

Viewing 101 - 150 of 1186 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Tron AFFEN_BURN23 MTGO Competitive Modern League 06/26/18 6/27/2018
Sultai Death's Shadow HamburgerJung MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 06/02/18 6/4/2018
Esper Control Autumn Burchett Pro Tour Dominaria 6/4/2018
W/U Control Ben Wienburg SCG Classic Standard - Louisville - 05/20/2018 1st 5/21/2018
Sultai Constrictor SiBurrito MTGO Competitive Standard League: 05/17/18 5/18/2018
jw r stompy jw burner 5/16/2018
U/B Midrange buritto92 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 05/14/18 5/15/2018
Jund Golgarburr MTGO Modern Challenge 05/05/18 2nd 5/10/2018
Counters Company Kendall Burdette SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 04/29/2018 1st 4/30/2018
Counters Company HamburglerHelper MTGO Competitive Modern League: 04/13/18 4/14/2018
fb test deck jw burner 4/5/2018
Jund Golgarburr MTGO Competitive Modern League: 03/20/18 3/23/2018
horrors Burriton 3/17/2018
G/W Tokens Siteburner MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/5 - 3/11 3/9/2018
Horrors Burriton 3/8/2018
vona Deck Death Cerbures 3/5/2018
Favorable Winds - UR lordburke81 3/5/2018
Burn Brandon Burton Magic Online Championship 2018 9th-16th 3/5/2018
Grixis Control Corey Burkhart Magic Online Championship 2018 17th-32nd 3/5/2018
Storm Burn_That_witch MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 2/12 - 2/18 2/20/2018
Mardu Deburca MTGO Competitive Modern League: 2/12 - 2/18 2/16/2018
5-Color Humans Walter Burdzy Grand Prix Toronto 2018 17th-32nd 2/12/2018
UG infect lordburke81 2/11/2018
RB Pirate Aggro lordburke81 2/7/2018
RG Land Express lordburke81 2/7/2018
Grixis Control Corey Burkhart Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan 9th-16th 2/4/2018
Scapeshift Beau Chatburn SCG Classic Modern - Philadelphia - 1/28/2018 9th-16th 1/29/2018
Unstable Cube burntmark 1/24/2018
UW Artifact Fun lordburke81 1/22/2018
Mike’s WBR Looter lordburke81 1/18/2018
Mike’s Soul Sisters lordburke81 1/18/2018
Jeskai Control Golgarburr MTGO Competitive Modern League: 1/8-1/14 1/14/2018
Land Destruction blackburn163 1/13/2018
ARRR MATIE Burning Planeswalker 1/5/2018
Grixis Control Corey Burkhart 2017 Grand Prix Oklahoma City 9th-16th 12/11/2017
Mardu buritto92 MTGO Regional Pro Tour Qualifier 11/25 3rd-4th 11/30/2017
Ramunap Red Hepburn Best SCG Baltimore Team Open - Standard - 11/18/2017 17th-32nd 11/26/2017
W/U Cycling Corey Burkhart 2017 Grand Prix Portland 9th-16th 11/20/2017
Temur Energy Autumn Burchett 2017 Grand Prix Warsaw 9th-16th 11/13/2017
Ramunap Red Austin Bursavich Pro Tour Ixalan 11/6/2017
Mono Red aaronburnslees 10/22/2017
Jund Dinosaurs JDRBurk 10/4/2017
Dragons Burning Planeswalker 9/25/2017
Infinite Jace Combo BurkeG 9/3/2017
No Creature Challenge Burning Planeswalker 8/27/2017
A Bit of Fun Burning Planeswalker 8/26/2017
Jeskai God-Pharaoh's Gift Corey Burkhart Grand Prix Denver 2017 9th-16th 8/21/2017
UR Foretold Turns Zachary Burrell 8/17/2017
U/R Control Jodey Burney SCG Classic Standard - Richmond - 8/12/17 9th-16th 8/15/2017
Grixis Delver BurkeG 8/14/2017

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