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Search Results for Magic Decks by JA

Viewing 101 - 150 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Aegar, the Janking Flame Quest for the Janklord 10/12/2022
Trostani Jankordant Quest for the Janklord 10/12/2022
Kamiz, Obscura Textboxulus Quest for the Janklord 10/12/2022
Veyran JankSpells 10/2/2022
Hapatra -1/-1 EDH Jasonmyster 9/27/2022
Hepatra EDH Jasonmyster 9/27/2022
Selllist Lil Janky 9/2/2022
buylist Lil Janky 9/2/2022
buylist Lil Janky 9/2/2022
MAzzy, Janksword Paladin Quest for the Janklord 8/29/2022
Gavi, West Narden Quest for the Janklord 8/29/2022
Chishiro, the Shatted Blade Quest for the Janklord 8/29/2022
Atemsis, All-Reaming Quest for the Janklord 8/29/2022
Commander jaystone11 8/28/2022
ORDER2 jaystone11 8/23/2022
Rin and Seri budget James Jamerson 8/23/2022
Rin & Seri Flood James Jamerson 8/19/2022
Malcolm / Vial Smasher cEDH Jack Burton 8/17/2022
Hogaak Mr CanardUnijambiste 8/16/2022
commander cards jaystone11 8/11/2022
Buying 2022 Black JamieMarks03 8/8/2022
Buying 2022 JamieMarks03 8/6/2022
Jank-and-a-Half-Tails Quest for the Janklord 8/2/2022
Rienne, Angel of Jank Quest for the Janklord 8/2/2022
Jankuzi Time Quest for the Janklord 8/2/2022
Kykar, Jank's Fury Quest for the Janklord 8/2/2022
Zur Needs no Library! ArthurJackalope 8/1/2022
Arcades jakeyoungling 7/30/2022
Ancient Shrines Jac_Awesomeness99 7/29/2022
Rat Lapse propjake 7/20/2022
Green/White Defender Final Jarliks 7/12/2022
Green/White Defender Final Jarliks 7/12/2022
Temur+1/+1 counters Pauper UltimateNinja3 7/5/2022
Boros Aggro jacareywsu 7/5/2022
Green/White Defender (Complete) Jarliks 7/4/2022
Ikea Gun 2.0 Tasha Eryn Jay 6/28/2022
Izzet Just Fantasy propjake 6/23/2022
Spirits Jarnzy 6/22/2022
Commander test propjake 6/21/2022
Pauper Land Destruct propjake 6/20/2022
Kiln Fiend (Pauper) propjake 6/18/2022
Marisa Tomei propjake 6/16/2022
Kaalia of the Vast - Angel Destruction ShyJax 6/14/2022
Ultimate Ninja's Budget Talrand Deck UltimateNinja3 6/13/2022
Dwarf Test Baja Blast Enjoyer 6/5/2022
Canadian Angels Tasha Eryn Jay 6/1/2022
Nivzet ReReborn James the furry 5/25/2022
Gitrog monster - Lands Focus Jabes 5/22/2022
Source Jasoa 5/14/2022
Ball Lightning Tribal Buylist JAVAPLUM19 4/28/2022

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