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Search Results for Magic Decks by ss

Viewing 1551 - 1600 of 7856 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Grixis Dragons ssato MTGO Competitive Standard League: 11/05/18 11/6/2018
Grishoalbrand WingedHussar MTGO Competitive Modern League: 10/30/2018 11/5/2018
Gishath, Sun's Avatar | CQ Early Access CQ Early Access 11/2/2018
Inside Out JessNES MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 10/31/2018 11/1/2018
Phelddagrif | CQ Early Access CQ Early Access 10/31/2018
Dredge cypress223 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 10/27/2018 10/30/2018
R/W Angels Tania Russell Grand Prix New Jersey 2018 17th-32nd 10/29/2018
Jeskai Control Eli Kassis Grand Prix New Jersey 2018 1st 10/29/2018
Mono-Blue Tempo Gabriel Nassif Grand Prix Lille 2018 2nd 10/29/2018
Mono-Red Aggro Etienne Busson Grand Prix Lille 2018 1st 10/29/2018
Amulet Titan Jesse Shipman SCG Open Modern - Charlotte - 10/28/2018 17th-32nd 10/29/2018
Jund Alessandro Smith SCG Open Modern - Charlotte - 10/28/2018 17th-32nd 10/29/2018
Azorius Control Logan Pressley SCG Open Modern - Charlotte - 10/28/2018 17th-32nd 10/29/2018
Dredge Ross Merriam SCG Open Modern - Charlotte - 10/28/2018 9th-16th 10/29/2018
Humans Drake Sasser SCG Classic Modern - Charlotte - 10/28/18 5th-8th 10/29/2018
Affinity Ryan Gassaway SCG Classic Modern - Charlotte - 10/28/18 9th-16th 10/29/2018
Animar, Soul of Elements | CQ Early Access CQ Early Access 10/26/2018
Sneak & Show messiah725 MTGO Legacy Challenge: 10/21/2018 17th-32nd 10/26/2018
Inside Out JessNES MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 10/24/2018 10/25/2018
Chromium, the Mutable | CQ Early Access CQ Early Access 10/24/2018
Death & Taxes jacetmsst MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 10/20/2018 10/23/2018
Humans Drake Sasser SCG Classic Modern - Dallas - 10/21/2018 1st 10/22/2018
Zacama, Primal Calamity | CQ Early Access CQ Early Access 10/19/2018
W/U Tron ssWakizashI MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 10/17/2018 10/18/2018
Inside Out JessNES MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 10/17/2018 10/18/2018
Inside Out JessNES MTGO Pauper Challenge - 10/14/2018 17th-32nd 10/18/2018
Izoni, Thousand-Eyed | CQ Early Access CQ Early Access 10/17/2018
Grixis Bull Fight Brago, The Eternal Asshole 10/17/2018
Red/Green FEssy 10/16/2018
B/G Midrange Risssa MTGO Standard PTQ - 10/14/18 17th-32nd 10/14/2018
Goblins CroissantBoi 10/14/2018
Trostani Discordant | CQ Early Access CQ Early Access 10/12/2018
Budget shadow Professornathan 10/11/2018
Wizzit Burn MelissaLea 10/11/2018
Inside Out JessNES MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 10/10/18 10/11/2018
U/R Tron ssWakizashI MTGO Constructed Pauper League: 10/10/18 10/11/2018
T1 Win Chill Phoenix Rossomesoss 10/10/2018
T1 Win Chill Phoenix Rossomesoss 10/10/2018
T1 Win Chill Phoenix Rossomesoss 10/10/2018
Goblins Jessy Hefner SCG Classic Legacy - Columbus - 10/07/2018 5th-8th 10/9/2018
Kuldotha Boros _DissonancE_ MTGO Pauper Challenge - 10/7/2018 9th-16th 10/9/2018
R/W Midrange lilianaofthevess MTGO Competitive Standard League: 10/08/18 10/9/2018
R/W Angels Jessie Hedman SCG Classic Standard - Columbus - 10/07/2018 3rd-4th 10/8/2018
Grixis Control Andrew Jessup SCG Classic Standard - Columbus - 10/07/2018 2nd 10/8/2018
W/U Control Joe Lossett SCG Team Constructed Open Legacy - Columbus - 10/7/2018 9th-16th 10/8/2018
Burn Jesse McPherson SCG Team Constructed Open Modern - Columbus - 10/7/2018 17th-32nd 10/8/2018
W/U Stoneblade Mike Morrissey SCG Team Constructed Open Legacy - Columbus - 10/7/2018 33rd-64th 10/8/2018
W/U Control Sveikss MTGO Standard PTQ - 10/06/18 17th-32nd 10/7/2018
Nicol Bolas, the Ravager | CQ Early Access CQ Early Access 10/5/2018
1 RussianRanger2 10/5/2018

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