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Search Results for Magic Decks by SB

Viewing 1751 - 1800 of 1890 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Elfdrazi gtusberg 5/18/2010
B/W Control+Polymorph gtusberg 5/18/2010
Mythic Sbastien Brouillette Alarie 2010 National Qualifiers - Quebec 5th-8th 5/18/2010
Blightning Deck Wins lucasboleli 5/17/2010
Thepths gtusberg 5/13/2010
UW Control gtusberg 5/13/2010
Jund gtusberg 5/13/2010
RGb Scapeshift gtusberg 5/13/2010
Ub Dreadstill gtusberg 5/13/2010
Standard Burn Spartansblade 5/13/2010
Budget Elves (BoaB) urzasbro 5/10/2010
Green Eldrazi Tester urzasbro 5/10/2010
Poor Man's Jund + Blue urzasbro 5/10/2010
$20 Red Burn pauper deck urzasbro 5/10/2010
Eldrazi's Reign Spartansblade 5/8/2010
B/U/W Lvling Spartansblade 5/7/2010
B/W Arieal Assult Spartansblade 5/7/2010
(Personal) Eld Spwn/Burn Spartansblade 5/6/2010
Jund Sbastien Paquin 2010 PTQ Amsterdam: Montreal 3rd-4th 5/5/2010
MBM EntrerisBlade 4/30/2010
Zombie Reanimation soulsblade 4/22/2010
Bant Landfall ChewyLSB 4/19/2010
Leveller Burn ChewyLSB 4/19/2010
Merfolk deusbmx247 4/11/2010
Devour-monium deusbmx247 3/24/2010
Naya AndreasBendix MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - 3/7/2010 3/9/2010
Grixis Control Gatsby09 3/2/2010
Fish trsblur 2/8/2010
Naya Sbastien Brouillette-Alarie 2010 San Juan PTQ: Montreal 3rd-4th 1/14/2010
BR Vampires Cassius Weathersby 2010 Star City $5k Open - Los Angeles 9th-16th 1/4/2010
Naya Bushwacker Gatsby09 12/14/2009
James Bond Gatsby09 12/13/2009
Bant Allies Gatsby09 12/13/2009
elf dpsbowl 12/13/2009
Red burn/haste dpsbowl 12/11/2009
Fast Red burn/haste dpsbowl 12/11/2009
Fast Red burn/haste dpsbowl 12/11/2009
My First Art. Pump Darrisbob1 12/11/2009
Busboy Bant busboy 11/26/2009
Dark Naya Bushwhacker grossb1 11/22/2009
B/R Zombies twasbrillig 11/10/2009
white mine control charlesblue 11/7/2009
Finest Hour Aggro twasbrillig 10/20/2009
Life & Land brendaisbored 10/15/2009
Doubling the Unthinkable sblade 8/11/2009
r/b discard sbod1101 7/17/2009
Elves! Sbastien Brouillette-Alarie 2009 PTQ Austin: Montreal, Canada 5th-8th 6/26/2009
B/W Aggro Gijsbert Haaksman 2009 National Qualifier: Zwolle, Netherlands 5th-8th 6/8/2009
White Weenie Rosberg Tavares 2009 National Qualifier: Teresina, Brazil 5th-8th 5/12/2009
Next Level Blue Helmut Summersberger 2009 Grand Prix: Hanover 5th-8th 3/16/2009

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