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Search Results for Magic Decks by Lis

Viewing 1801 - 1850 of 1852 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
RWB Control polish_hammer MTGO – 786069 – Standard 2x 5th-8th 7/17/2006
Ghost Husk christofolis 6/18/2006
2006 Regionals - 2nd Place Karolis Dzeja 2006 Regionals Minneapolis, Minnesota 2nd 5/20/2006
2006 Regionals - 3rd Place Troy Hollister 2006 Regionals Regina, Saskatchewan 3rd-4th 5/20/2006
2006 Regionals - 3rd Place Kyle Garelis 2006 Regionals Newington, Connecticut 3rd-4th 5/20/2006
RG Aggro Lisciandro Romain 2006 Regionals PACA, France 1st 3/27/2006
U/R/W Control Kamiel Cornelissen 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 9th-16th 3/5/2006
Heartbeat Vasilis Fatouros 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
2005 PT LA - Kamiel Cornelissen Kamiel Cornelissen 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
2005 PT LA - Vasilis Fatourous Vasilis Fatourous 2005 PT Los Angeles 10/29/2005
Red Aggro Eric English 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Rochester, New York 5th-8th 8/28/2005
Green-blue Legends Caleb Willis 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Dallas, Texas 5th-8th 8/20/2005
Black Hand Ellis Edmunds 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Santa Clara, California 5th-8th 7/16/2005
Snakes Nathan Maliszewski 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Wheat Ridge, Colorado 5th-8th 7/9/2005
mind control realistic_cid 5/23/2005
griffin alarm realistic_cid 4/17/2005
Cephalid Life Breakfast Kamiel Cornelissen GP Eindhoven 5th-8th 3/6/2005
Mono Black Control Jason Collister 2/9/2005
Aluren Kamiel Cornelissen PT Columbus 12/29/2004
Budget Revelation Oath da_nickalisk 11/18/2004
BudgetOath.Nickalisk da_nickalisk 11/18/2004
Vial Affinity Kyle Garnelis 2004 Champs - Connecticut 1st 10/27/2004
Affinity Kamiel Cornelissen Worlds 2004 5th-8th 9/5/2004
Tooth and Nail Stijn Cornelissen 2004 Dutch Nationals 5th-8th 8/20/2004
Goblins Vasilis Fatouros 2004 Grand Prix Brussels 3rd-4th 5/30/2004
cheep combo nickalisk 4/15/2004
Budget U/G madness nickalisk 4/12/2004
Ravager Affinity Belisario Moran 2004 Regionals: Lima, Peru 1st 4/8/2004
Red Burn Dylan Ellis 3/30/2004
Budgetnought nickalisk 3/10/2004
Rat deck wins 2004 Romain Lisciandro France Regionals 2004 5th-8th 3/10/2004
budget sneak attack da_nickalisk 2/29/2004
can't touch this da_nickalisk 2/29/2004
Maskarade da_nickalisk 2/29/2004
deep rising da_nickalisk 2/28/2004
nick.dec da_nickalisk 2/28/2004
U/r landstill da_nickalisk 2/28/2004
U/W Landstill da_nickalisk 2/23/2004
Goblin Bidding Card Coliseum 1/1/2004
Affinity Jon Millison 2003 Champs: Georgia 5th-8th 10/29/2003
Sligh Dan Gillis 2003 Champs: Michigan 5th-8th 10/26/2003
Angry Hermit Kamiel Cornelissen 2003 World Championships 8/11/2003
Zombies Frank Glison 6/29/2003
Angry Hermit pt. II Kamiel Cornelissen 2003 Yokohama Masters 9th-16th 5/20/2003
WB Clerics Adrijan Kolistrkovski 2003 Regionals Skopje, Macedonia 2nd 4/27/2003
RG Beats Jochen Paulissen 2003 Regionals Hasselt, Belgium 3/15 5th-8th 3/25/2003
Psychatog Kamiel Cornelissen PT Chicago 2003: Masters 5th-8th 1/21/2003
Angry Ghoul Kamiel Cornelissen Pro Tour Houston: 2002 11/13/2002
UG Opposition Chris Allulis Champs 2002: Maryland 5th-8th 11/4/2002
UG Madness Randy Ellis Atlanta Open: 2002 5th-8th 7/28/2002

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