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Search Results for Magic Decks by Ben

Viewing 1851 - 1900 of 2019 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
2005 Champs - 2nd Place Matt Benjamin 2005 Champs California 2nd 10/22/2005
2005 Champs - 5th Place Ben Vrba 2005 Champs Nebraska 5th-8th 10/22/2005
Dredge Bennie Smith 2005 Champs Richmond, VA 5th-8th 10/22/2005
2005 Champs - 5th Place Stuart Benson 2005 Champs Washington 5th-8th 10/22/2005
WWr Ben Visnic 2005 Champs Fairmont, WV 2nd 10/22/2005
Heartbeat Ben Juday 2005 Champs Alaska 3rd-4th 10/22/2005
White(green) Weenie Jeren Benner 2005 Champs Montana 3rd-4th 10/22/2005
White Weenie, budget Benobi 10/20/2005
Ignorance bend to me 10/10/2005
DeiNe RöcK bend to me 10/6/2005
5C Survival Ben Russell 2005 Local Louisville, KY 5th-8th 9/15/2005
Bomb Salvage Ben Tash 2005 Local Louisville, KY 3rd-4th 9/15/2005
Gifts Ungiven Ben Lundquist 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Rochester, New York 3rd-4th 8/28/2005
Three-Color Godo Benjamin Peebles-Mundy 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Columbus, Ohio 1st 8/27/2005
Twiddle Desire Ben Snyder 8/23/2005
ProsBloom Ben Snyder 8/23/2005
Gifts Ungiven Matt Benjamin 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Albuquerque, New Mexico 5th-8th 8/20/2005
Infinite Mana Shamans Benobi 8/19/2005
Monoblue Control Ben Croes 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Brighton, Massachusetts 3rd-4th 8/13/2005
White Weenie Ben Huston 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Detroit, Michigan 2nd 8/13/2005
Juicy Fruit Ben Snyder 8/4/2005
Gifts Ungiven Ben Lundquist 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Somerset, New Jersey 5th-8th 7/30/2005
Gifts Ungiven Ben Vrba 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Omaha, Nebraska 5th-8th 7/23/2005
Gifts Ungiven Ben Stark 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Coral Springs, Florida 3rd-4th 7/23/2005
Black Hand Ben Johnson 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Springfield, Missouri 5th-8th 7/9/2005
Black Hand Benjamin Stevens 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Cincinnati, Ohio 5th-8th 7/9/2005
Black-white Control Aaron Benner 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Billings, Montana 3rd-4th 7/9/2005
Tooth and Nail Brian Bennert 2005 Regionals Pomona, CA 5th-8th 7/3/2005
Tooth and Nail Ben Lobrutto 2005 Regionals Phoenix, AZ 3rd-4th 6/30/2005
Ultimate affinity Benoit 6/22/2005
Ponza Benjamin Claudel 2005 Regionals Limousin Auverg, France 2nd 5/15/2005
UB Control Ruben Holz 4/12/2005
W/B Weenies Ben Dempsey 4/4/2005
White Weenie Ben Dempsey 4/4/2005
Tooth and Nail w/Black Ben Dempsey 3/15/2005
Tooth and Nail w/Blue Ben Dempsey 3/15/2005
Tooth and Nail Ben Dempsey 3/15/2005
Witness Spears modified benlarrabee 3/15/2005
French tooth^^ Blondy Benoit 3/8/2005
GW Aggro Control (Pre Boston) Ben Dempsey 2/23/2005
Ninjitsu benlarrabee 2/21/2005
Ironworks Benjamin McDole 2/20/2005
Desire Matt Benjamin PTQ Philly: Sacramento, CA 5th-8th 2/13/2005
UW Aggro Control Benjamin Dempsey GP Boston 3rd-4th 2/9/2005
Beats canadianben63 2/3/2005
Squirrel Prison Benjamin Huang GPT Singapore 2nd 1/25/2005
KCI Ben Stark 1/6/2005
Turboland Ben Dempsey 1/5/2005
Land Hooo! Ben Dempsey 1/5/2005
Rock Torben Twiefel PT Columbus 2004 9th-16th 12/21/2004

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