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Search Results for Magic Decks by amr

Viewing 151 - 200 of 219 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
pauper ug delver TeamRocket 7/16/2012
turbo fog TeamRocket 7/16/2012
Merfolk Shamrock5542 7/9/2012
Garruk Shamrock5542 6/10/2012
Splicers Shamrock5542 6/9/2012
Ooze Shamrock5542 6/6/2012
Jhoria of the Ghitu Durhamred 5/28/2012
Triplets Robbery Eladamri 5/26/2012
Exemplar Knights Shamrock5542 5/18/2012
Werewolves Shamrock5542 5/18/2012
Pro-Mono Pauper Shamrock5542 5/18/2012
flames and things TeamRocketWolf 4/21/2012
g/r dredge TeamRocketWolf 2/9/2012
Bant Blade tamroo_16 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 1/9/12 1/17/2012
Bant Blade tamroo_16 (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 1/9/12 1/16/2012
UW Delver JimJamRed (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/19/11 12/23/2011
Red Deck Wins bhamrick (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/19/11 12/22/2011
vampires shamrokktx 10/15/2011
dredge TeamRocketWolf 9/26/2011
heartless summoning deck TeamRocketWolf 9/20/2011
Illusions under Control Eladamri 9/6/2011
UG Infect AdamR 8/18/2011
UB Modern Mill AdamR 8/16/2011
Rampant Milling AdamR 7/22/2011
Shaman bonehoard TeamRocketWolf 5/27/2011
temp steel, no weenie dec TeamRocketWolf 5/27/2011
mono black. TeamRocketWolf 5/27/2011
Veggies deck TeamRocketWolf 5/8/2011
Artifact Control Eladamri 4/11/2011
Basurero TeamRocketWolf 2/17/2011
u/b control TeamRocketWolf 2/16/2011
Blightsteel Anew SPCHamre 2/15/2011
G/U garbage deck TeamRocketWolf 2/3/2011
Quest for the Holy Boros SPCHamre 1/31/2011
rock poison deck TeamRocketWolf 1/27/2011
immortal coil deck TeamRocketWolf 1/8/2011
Hamre SPCHamre 12/31/2010
b/r deckydooo TeamRocketWolf 12/30/2010
Kor Spiritdancer SPCHamre 12/30/2010
extended sieve action TeamRocketWolf 12/29/2010
mono red? TeamRocketWolf 12/29/2010
Vengevines.dek TeamRocketWolf 12/26/2010
Land D, SPCHamre 12/20/2010
Land D, SPCHamre 12/20/2010
Land D, SPCHamre 12/20/2010
Welder Mecha Eladamri 12/10/2010
Untouchable Golems Eladamri 12/9/2010
Infected in Turn Three Eladamri 11/16/2010
Infect Ooze SPCHamre 11/15/2010
Woo Wave SPCHamre 11/15/2010

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