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Search Results for Magic Decks by Charles

Viewing 151 - 200 of 304 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Sorin's Virtue charlesblue 2/17/2012
Mage-Blade Charles Johnson 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Richmond - 2/4 3rd-4th 2/6/2012
GUB Pod charlesblue 1/24/2012
Shotgun charlestexas 1/23/2012
Mage-Blade Charles Gindy 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Atlanta - 1/7 1st 1/9/2012
super charlestexas 1/6/2012
UR Delver Charlesjacenorman (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/12/11 12/13/2011
mirrors charlestexas 11/19/2011
Snap Lily charlesblue 10/28/2011
BUR Ruinator charlesblue 10/13/2011
Grim Ruinator 2 charlesblue 10/12/2011
W/U/R Landfall CharlesRevane 10/11/2011
snap garruk charlesblue 10/10/2011
Grim Ruinator charlesblue 10/10/2011
happy fun time charlestexas 10/5/2011
b00m charlestexas 10/3/2011
red storm charlestexas 9/22/2011
Red Deck Wins Charles Gindy 2011 StarCity Open Standard - Atlanta - 9/10 9th-16th 9/12/2011
Go fish. charlestexas 8/24/2011
white omnifence charlestexas 8/22/2011
RUG Twin Jeremy Charles 2011 SCG Invitational Qualifier - Richmond, KY 2nd 8/9/2011
RUG Twin Charles Flores 2011 USA Nationals - 8/6 8/9/2011
Splinter Twin Charles Quittmeyer 2011 SCG Invitational Qualifier - Montgomery, AL 1st 8/8/2011
??? charlestexas 8/6/2011
UB Control Charles Quittmeyer 2011 TCGplayer TCQ - Atlanta, GA - 7/23 5th-8th 8/3/2011
red burn charlestexas 7/28/2011
Red Deck Wins Charles Wong 2011 StarCity Open Standard - Seattle - 7/25 3rd-4th 7/25/2011
Valakut Ramp Charles Mercier 2011 SCG Invitational Qualifier - Petawawa, Canada 5th-8th 7/22/2011
Valakut Combo CharlesRevane 7/19/2011
Dest-RUG-tive Force CharlesRevane 7/16/2011
WW CharlesRevane 7/12/2011
Hichtcock's Birds CharlesT 6/17/2011
Night of the Living Dead CharlesT 6/17/2011
The Mist CharlesT 6/17/2011
Red Deck Wins Charles Sears 2011 PTQ Philadelphia - Roanoke, VA - 5/28 3rd-4th 6/16/2011
Bant Aggro Charles Trottier 2011 PTQ Philadelphia - Ottawa, ON - 6/4 5th-8th 6/9/2011
Goblins Charles Whittemore 2011 MMS Qualifier - Minneapolis, MN (6/4) 5th-8th 6/8/2011
Merfolk - Modern CharlesRevane 6/2/2011
Dragonstorm - Modern CharlesRevane 6/2/2011
Junk - Modern CharlesRevane 6/1/2011
B/W aggro - Modern CharlesRevane 5/30/2011
Goblins revised CharlesRevane 5/22/2011
UWB CawBade Charles Gindy 2011 Star City Open - Atlanta 3rd-4th 4/4/2011
Naya CharlesRevane 3/28/2011
Affinity CharlesRevane 3/8/2011
Bant Charles Milutinovic 2011 PTQ Nagoya - Northbrook (2/26) 5th-8th 3/8/2011
Poisoned tezzeret charlesblue 2/26/2011
D-Stomps CharlesRevane 2/24/2011
Zoo CharlesRevane 1/31/2011
Blue/White Control charlesblue 1/30/2011

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