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Search Results for Magic Decks by ss

Viewing 2301 - 2350 of 7856 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Timberpack Death Jessay 2/13/2017
B/G Delirium Matt Nass 2017 Grand Prix Pittsburgh 17th-32nd 2/13/2017
Four-Color Copy Cat David Haass 2017 Grand Prix Pittsburgh 17th-32nd 2/13/2017
B/W token control arossi2462 2/13/2017
Mono Red Burn arossi2462 2/13/2017
Red-white artifacts Jessay 2/10/2017
Red-white artifacts Jessay 2/10/2017
Black-Red Aggro Anssi Alkio 2017 Pro Tour Aether Revolt 2/8/2017
Mardu Vehicles Eliott Boussaud 2017 Pro Tour Aether Revolt 17th-32nd 2/8/2017
Black-Green Constrictor Federico del Basso 2017 Pro Tour Aether Revolt 9th-16th 2/8/2017
Walking Energy SSabin 2/8/2017
BR Pack Rat Logan Pressley SCG Regionals Modern - Raleigh - 2/4/17 5th-8th 2/7/2017
Naya Landfall Jesse Piland SCG Regionals Modern - Raleigh - 2/4/17 2nd 2/7/2017
Mardu Vehicles Gabriel Nassif 2017 Pro Tour Aether Revolt 9th-16th 2/5/2017
B/G Constrictor Christoffer Larssen 2017 Pro Tour Aether Revolt 2/5/2017
Budget Goblins Astromess 2/5/2017
B/G Seasons Past RussianRanger2 2/1/2017
Sharuum the Hegemon EDH Gregory DiTomasso 1/31/2017
Grixis Control Steve Moss 1/30/2017
Vampires! Phantomess 1/30/2017
Aetherborn Tribal Gregory DiTomasso 1/30/2017
Temur Energy Andrew Jessup SCG Classic Standard - Richmond - 1/29/2017 9th-16th 1/30/2017
Mardu Vechicles T. Scott Ross SCG Classic Standard - Richmond - 1/29/2017 5th-8th 1/30/2017
Four-Color Saheeli Dan Jessup SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 01/29/17 17th-32nd 1/29/2017
Esper Aggro Dan Jessup SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 01/22/17 33rd-64th 1/24/2017
Aether revolt standard Elephant vehicle madness 1/24/2017
Temur Dynavolt RussianRanger2 1/23/2017
Four-Color Saheeli Eli Kassis SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 01/22/17 9th-16th 1/23/2017
Breya Fun BolasSeek 1/21/2017
Omnath, Locus of Rage BolasSeek 1/21/2017
Abzan Midrange Steve Moss 1/20/2017
Investigating Spirits Steve Moss 1/19/2017
UW Panharmonicon Steve Moss 1/17/2017
R/W Dwarf Vehicles crosstiger23 1/16/2017
Miracles Joe Lossett 2017 Grand Prix Louisville 17th-32nd 1/16/2017
Winding Scales Sessie 1/16/2017
Big Deretti Marco Russell 1/12/2017
Abzan agussss 1/7/2017
Abzan Loam RussianRanger2 1/1/2017
Jund Delerium Steve Moss 12/30/2016
Sultai Delerium Steve Moss 12/28/2016
Casual Enchantress Enchantress 12/24/2016
Miracles Joe Lossett 2016 SCG Players Championship - Legacy 1st 12/23/2016
Elves Andrew Jessup 2016 SCG Players Championship - Legacy 5th-8th 12/23/2016
Lands Tom Ross 2016 GP Kuala Lumpur 9th-16th 12/23/2016
Delerium Aggro Steve Moss 12/22/2016
Temur Energy Joe Lossett 2016 SCG Players Championship - Standard 1st 12/20/2016
Temur Aetherworks Andrew Jessup 2016 SCG Players Championship - Standard 5th-8th 12/20/2016
Naya Aetherworks Tom Ross 2016 SCG Players Championship - Standard 9th-16th 12/20/2016
B/G Tron Joe Lossett 2016 SCG Players Championship - Modern 1st 12/20/2016

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