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Search Results for Magic Decks by Charles

Viewing 201 - 250 of 304 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Jund Charles Gindy 2011 GP Atlanta 5th-8th 1/24/2011
Bed and Breakfast CharlesRevane 1/18/2011
MBC Agrro charlesblue 1/12/2011
GUW Junk charlesblue 1/2/2011
Mono White Arbiter charlesblue 12/25/2010
Pyromancer Jank CharlesRevane 12/25/2010
Black Molten Ooze charlesblue 12/19/2010
Boros Charles Gindy 2010 SCG Invitational 3rd-4th 12/6/2010
GWB Control charlesblue 12/5/2010
Rise from the grave charlesblue 12/2/2010
BantCraft CharlesRevane 10/20/2010
UR Control Charles Colglazier 2010 Champs - Indiana 5th-8th 10/11/2010
UW Control Charles Morrison 2010 Champs - Indiana 3rd-4th 10/11/2010
conscription charlestexas 9/13/2010
red/black control gro charlestexas 9/13/2010
lets do that again charlestexas 9/11/2010
Flying Bears CharlesRevane 8/29/2010
MAXIMUM d force charlestexas 8/23/2010
esper stall charlestexas 7/27/2010
esper stall.... help pl0x charlestexas 7/24/2010
the perfect deck! charlestexas 7/21/2010
kiln fling charlestexas 7/19/2010
red deck enjoys green charlestexas 7/19/2010
Landstill Charles Gordon 2010 SCG 5K Legacy Open - Seattle 9th-16th 6/14/2010
Jund Charles Xre 2010 PTQ Amsterdam - Toronto 5th-8th 6/10/2010
Polymorph Charles Wong 2010 National Qualifiers - Washington 3rd-4th 5/20/2010
ANT Charles Schafer 2010 Star City $5k Legacy Open - Atlanta 9th-16th 5/3/2010
Bw Pox Charles Lancaster 2010 GP Houston 5th-8th 4/5/2010
Mono Black Vampires charles pierce 3/31/2010
White Soldiers charles pierce 3/31/2010
Boss Naya Charles Gindy 2010 Star City $5k Open - Orlando 1st 3/29/2010
Zoo Charles Morrison 2010 San Juan PTQ: Indianapolis 2nd 3/5/2010
Zoo Charles Flores 2010 San Juan PTQ: Denver 5th-8th 3/4/2010
Pyromancer Ascension Charles Trottier 2010 San Juan PTQ: Toronto 3rd-4th 2/4/2010
Mono White Life Charles Trottier 2010 San Juan PTQ: Montreal 2nd 1/14/2010
Jund Charles Morrison 2009 States - Indiana 5th-8th 12/8/2009
white mine control charlesblue 11/7/2009
Faeries Charles Foster III 2009 PTQ Austin: Columbus II, USA 3rd-4th 8/25/2009
5 Color Control Charles Gindy 2009 Nationals: United States 1st 7/26/2009
B/W Aggro Charles Law 2009 PTQ Austin: Honolulu II, USA 5th-8th 6/11/2009
B/R Aggro Charles Gerndon Dupont 2009 Grand Prix Seattle 3rd-4th 6/1/2009
Bant Aggro Charles Elian 2009 National Qualifier: Bucharest, Romania 2nd 5/30/2009
B/R Aggro Charles Sonido 2009 Regionals: Honolulu, USA 2nd 5/22/2009
G/W Aggro Charles Hendricks 2009 Regionals: Chicago, USA 2nd 5/19/2009
B/R Aggro Charles Cesari 2009-04-18 PtGRtS $2k 5th-8th 4/24/2009
Next Level Blue Charles Gordon 2009 PTQ Honolulu - San Jose 1st 3/5/2009
Elves Charles Colglazier 2009 PTQ Honolulu - St. Louis 2nd 2/19/2009
1st Place Charles Dupont 2008 State Champs - Washington 1st 11/11/2008
5th - 8th Charles Ketchum 2008 State Champs - Oklahoma 5th-8th 11/10/2008
BTF charlesblue 10/8/2008

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