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Search Results for Magic Decks by Gio

Viewing 201 - 250 of 488 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Draft 3744979 - sergioc sergioc 6/13/2016
Draft 3744974 - sergioc sergioc 6/12/2016
Draft 3744967 - sergioc sergioc 6/12/2016
Draft 3744963 - sergioc sergioc 6/9/2016
Draft 3744962 - sergioc sergioc 6/9/2016
Draft 3744957 - sergioc sergioc 6/8/2016
Draft 3744956 - sergioc sergioc 6/8/2016
Draft 3744954 - sergioc sergioc 6/7/2016
Draft 3744940 - sergioc sergioc 6/5/2016
Draft 3744939 - sergioc sergioc 6/5/2016
Draft 3744937 - sergioc sergioc 6/5/2016
Mardu Francesco Giorgio 2016 Grand Prix Paris 3/24/2016
Scapeshift LegionWolfe (5-0) MTGO Modern League (5-0) - Week of 12/14/15 1/7/2016
Bant Aggro Legion_Presunto (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/9/15 11/25/2015
Esper Control Legion273 (5-0) MTGO Standard Champs - Battle for Zendikar (5-0) 11/13/2015
Ephara sliver legion 8/14/2015
Mardu Midrange Legioner (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/22/15 7/13/2015
Dredgevine Legion273 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/15/15 7/10/2015
Dredgevine Legion273 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/4/15 5/20/2015
Dredgevine Legion273 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/4/15 5/15/2015
GR Devotion Sergio Barrientos 2015 Grand Prix Sao Paulo - 5/2 3rd-4th 5/4/2015
Temur Delver Sergio Ferry 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Portland - 5/3 9th-16th 5/4/2015
Abzan Midrange Nick Giordano 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Providence - 4/19 2nd 4/21/2015
Dredgevine Legion273 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/30/15 4/15/2015
UW Control kontagion 3/30/2015
Blue Moon Sergio Matesanz 2014 Grand Prix Madrid - 11/15 9th-16th 11/18/2014
Heroic Red Giovanni Rosi 2014 Grand Prix Stockholm - 10/25 5th-8th 10/29/2014
Scapeshift Nick Giordano 2014 StarCity PIQ Modern - Edison - 9/28 9th-16th 10/1/2014
Living End Nick Giordano 2014 StarCity PIQ Modern - Somerset - 8/31 9th-16th 10/1/2014
Naya Auras Legion_Presunto (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 9/8/14 9/18/2014
UR Pyromancer giomary MTGO Modern Premier - 7332801 - 8/2/14 9th-16th 8/19/2014
Red Deck Wins giorno211 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 7/7/14 7/15/2014
Junk Constellation Gabriel Costa-Giomi TCGplayer Open 5K Fort Worth, TX - 6/28/14 9th-16th 6/30/2014
Esper Control Gabriel Costa-Giomi 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Dallas - 4/12 3rd-4th 5/2/2014
Jund Midrange Legion_Presunto MTGO Standard Premier - 6865592 - 3/15/14 5th-8th 3/23/2014
asdfas giovanni3737 8/25/2013
magc giovanni3737 8/16/2013
df giovanni3737 8/15/2013
Blue-White-Flying-Counter LegionMeister 8/10/2013
American Midrange Remigio Inigo VIP Qualifier - Brooklyn, NY 5th-8th 8/7/2013
OrzhovMadness LegionMeister 8/4/2013
Naya Boros-Gruul-Selesnya LegionMeister 8/3/2013
MonoWhite LegionMeister 8/2/2013
BorosPrototype01 LegionMeister 8/2/2013
SliversEnd LegionMeister 8/2/2013
Modern Vampires Boggio29 7/17/2013
Land Destro Bad-Religion13 7/1/2013
UB Mill Bad-Religion13 7/1/2013
blitz giovanni3737 6/9/2013
bant giovanni3737 6/7/2013

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