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Search Results for Magic Decks by ss

Viewing 2701 - 2750 of 7856 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Ad Nauseam Tendrils Ross Merriam 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Somerset - 11/28 3rd-4th 11/30/2015
R/G Aggro Justin Moss 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Somerset - 11/29 2nd 11/30/2015
Abzan Blue Jessie Hedman MaxPoint Platinum - Kirwans Game Store - 11/14/15 5th-8th 11/24/2015
Four-Color Delver Jesse Pick 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Kansas City - 11/22 9th-16th 11/23/2015
Shardless Sultai Jesus Passapera 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Kansas City - 11/22 9th-16th 11/23/2015
Elves Brian Boss 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Kansas City - 11/22 5th-8th 11/23/2015
R/G Aggro Gussy Batres 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Kansas City - 11/21 9th-16th 11/23/2015
Jund EronRelentless (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 10/26/15 11/17/2015
Abzan Aggro Jesse Juote 2015 Grand Prix Brussels - 11/14 9th-16th 11/16/2015
Jeskai Black kyo_testarossa (5-0) MTGO Standard Champs - Battle for Zendikar (5-0) 11/13/2015
Elves Jesse Hill Oath of the Gatewatch RPTQ - Indianapolis 3rd-4th 11/13/2015
Abzan Blue Dan Musser 11/12/2015
W/R rosscote 11/12/2015
Bant Tokens Pierson Russell TCGplayer Open 5K Jacksonville, FL - 11/7/2015 5th-8th 11/12/2015
Esper Control Riad Mourssali MaxPoint Platinum - Play or Draw - 11/7/15 5th-8th 11/12/2015
Aggro Loam Martin Russ 2015 Grand Prix Seattle-Tacoma- 11/7 9th-16th 11/10/2015
R/G Aggro Justin Moss 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Philadelphia - 11/8 9th-16th 11/9/2015
Abzan Aggro Andrew Jessup 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Philadelphia - 11/7 9th-16th 11/9/2015
Bant Aggro Tom Ross 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Philadelphia - 11/7 9th-16th 11/9/2015
Miracles Joe Lossett 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Dallas - 11/1 1st 11/2/2015
Miracles Joe Bass 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Dallas - 11/1 9th-16th 11/2/2015
B/W Exile rosscote 11/1/2015
U/G Infect Tom Ross 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - St. Louis - 10/24 1st 10/26/2015
Jeskai Black Tyler Visser 2015 Grand Prix Quebec City - 10/24 9th-16th 10/26/2015
Jeskai Black Jesse Lamb 2015 StarCity Open Standard - St. Louis - 10/25 5th-8th 10/26/2015
Jeskai Black Nick Cossey TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Arkansas 3rd-4th 10/22/2015
Grixis Dragons endlessrage35 10/21/2015
B/G Aristocrats Gabriel Nassif Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar 10/21/2015
Four-Color Rally Matt Nass Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar 10/20/2015
G/W Aggro Ross Merriam Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar 10/20/2015
Esper Control Jeremy Russel TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Kentucky 5th-8th 10/20/2015
G/W Aggro Travis Russell TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Utah 3rd-4th 10/19/2015
Jeskai Black Andy Vess TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Georgia 5th-8th 10/19/2015
Grixis Dragon rosscote 10/15/2015
Jeskai Black Russell Guttler TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - South Carolina 5th-8th 10/13/2015
Elves James Hess 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Atlanta - 10/11 5th-8th 10/12/2015
Red Burn Jon Janssen 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Atlanta - 10/11 9th-16th 10/12/2015
Bant Aggro Tom Ross 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Atlanta - 10/10 5th-8th 10/12/2015
Grixis Delve Ramius Pruiss MaxPoint Bronze - Legacy Gaming - 10/3/15 5th-8th 10/10/2015
Lantern Control James O'Shaughnessy MaxPoint Platinum - Victory Comics - 10/3/15 3rd-4th 10/7/2015
Abzan Aggro Kyle Nisswandt 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 10/3 9th-16th 10/5/2015
Abzan Aggro Tom Ross 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 10/3 9th-16th 10/5/2015
Bring to Light Control Joe Lossett 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 10/3 9th-16th 10/5/2015
Jeskai rosscote 10/5/2015
Grixis Twin lilianaofthevess (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 9/21/15 10/2/2015
Allies rosscote 10/2/2015
Eldrazi itssully 9/27/2015
U/W Control soullesskilla 9/26/2015
U/G Control soullesskilla 9/26/2015
Army Suspension soullesskilla 9/26/2015

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