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Search Results for Magic Decks by Val

Viewing 251 - 300 of 1049 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Green Red Energy VAL 9000 1/10/2017
White-Blue Flash Valerio Marino 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 33rd-64th 12/4/2016
White-Blue Flash Jose Miguel Flores Valle 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 33rd-64th 12/4/2016
Red-Green Aetherworks Marvel Miguel Valente 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 17th-32nd 12/4/2016
White-Blue Flash Paulo Carvalho 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 17th-32nd 12/4/2016
Jund Aggro Valentin Roman 2016 Grand Prix Madrid 17th-32nd 12/4/2016
Miracles Valentin Mackl 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 33rd-64th 11/29/2016
BG Marvel Cavaleiro Morto 11/22/2016
4 Color Panharmonicom Cavaleiro Morto 11/21/2016
BG Turboland Cavaleiro Morto 11/21/2016
Elves Brian Coval SCG Classic Legacy - Columbus - 11/12/16 9th-16th 11/15/2016
Black-Red Aggro Andrew Valdez 2016 TCGplayer Standard State Champs - IN 5th-8th 11/4/2016
RG Ramp Cavaleiro Morto 11/3/2016
Jund Ramp Cavaleiro Morto 11/3/2016
B/G Delirium Valentin Mackl 2016 Grand Prix Warsaw 33rd-64th 11/1/2016
Sultai Clues Cavaleiro Morto 11/1/2016
B/R Aggro Marcelo Rodrigues Cavalcante 2016 Grand Prix Santiago 17th-32nd 10/31/2016
B/R Aggro Pedro Carvalho 2016 Grand Prix Santiago 9th-16th 10/31/2016
B/G Delirium Marcio Carvalho 2016 Grand Prix Warsaw 9th-16th 10/30/2016
Bant Control Walkers mdvaldivia 10/25/2016
Reanimator Michel Chevallier BOM Eternal Weekend 2016: Paris 1st 10/24/2016
W/R Vehicles Victor Valenzuela SCG Standard Regionals Fall 2016: FL 5th-8th 10/23/2016
B/R Madness Valentin Mackl Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
Red-Green Energy ValueCity MTGO Competitive Standard League (5-0): 10/10-10/17 1st 10/14/2016
Necro Fever MTGValor 10/13/2016
U/R Delver Giovanni Valencia SCG Classic Legacy - Indianapolis - 10/02/16 9th-16th 10/3/2016
Melek Extra Turn Madness (UR) YuvalOlsha 9/30/2016
Bant Company Marcio Carvalho 2016 World Championship - Standard 2nd 9/8/2016
Abzan Marcio Carvalho 2016 World Championship - Modern 2nd 9/5/2016
Bant Rites Valentin Mackl Pro Tour Eldritch Moon 9th-16th 8/6/2016
U/R Thing in the Ice Pedro Carvalho Pro Tour Eldritch Moon 8/6/2016
UB Zombies cavaleiromorto 8/4/2016
W/G Tokens Nicholas Quintavalli 2016 SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 7/23 7/25/2016
RG Werewolfes (Silverblac cavaleiromorto 7/8/2016
BG Aristocrats 2 (Silverb cavaleiromorto 7/8/2016
BG Aristocrats (Silverbla cavaleiromorto 7/8/2016
BG Delirium (Silverblack) cavaleiromorto 7/8/2016
MB Ramp (Silverblack) cavaleiromorto 7/8/2016
BG 1 (Silverblack) cavaleiromorto 7/8/2016
taking turns valadoor87 6/29/2016
Eldrazi Stax Valentin Mackl 2016 Grand Prix Prague 6/14/2016
Sultai Delver Marcio Carvalho 2016 Grand Prix Prague 6/14/2016
Grixis Control Marcio Carvalho 2016 Grand Prix Manchester 5/31/2016
Burn ValdeGray MTGO Modern League (5-0): 5/2-5/8 5/4/2016
Grixis Delver Brian Coval 2016 SCG Classic Legacy - Columbus - 4/17 1st 4/19/2016
Bant Company Jake Valentine 2016 SCG Invitational Standard - Columbus - 4/16 4/19/2016
Dark Jeskai Marcio Carvalho 2016 Grand Prix Paris 9th-16th 3/24/2016
W/U Eldrazi Marcio Carvalho 2016 Grand Prix Bologna 3/7/2016
Ramp cavaleiromorto 3/4/2016
Bant Company Valentin Mackl 2016 Grand Prix Houston 2/29/2016

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