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Search Results for Magic Decks by Yo

Viewing 3251 - 3299 of 3299 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Lifeburst-SideAffinity epyonoo7 8/6/2004
HappyMudDay epyonoo7 8/5/2004
Burner epyonoo7 8/4/2004
Yayo green Yayo 6/21/2004
Cranial Affinity Ukyo 6/21/2004
Crazy 26 Old - GW Control Yokosuka Tomohiro Japanese Nationals, 2004 5th-8th 6/13/2004
Go Anan Deck (Goblins) Yoshitaka Nakano Japanese Nationals, 2004 3rd-4th 6/13/2004
Go Anan Deck (Goblins) Tsuyoshi Fujita Japanese Nationals, 2004 1st 6/13/2004
Arc Welding Solitarias Syo 6/9/2004
Untouched Undeath Solitarias Syo 5/30/2004
Elvish Stampeed Solitarias Syo 5/30/2004
statistically perfect???? onlyonesticky 5/28/2004
mono red goblins youngmansac 4/27/2004
Goblin bidding youngmansac 4/25/2004
Ravager Moonvessel jeremyong 4/15/2004
R/G Land Destruction ^^ yokoyoko 3/27/2004
Mono-Red ComboRush yokoyoko 3/19/2004
Elvish Weirding Ukyo 3/4/2004
Proteus Oath yokoyoko 1/27/2004
Sui Black apollyon 1/7/2004
Puppet Patriarch apollyon 1/6/2004
Wildtinker PlayorDraw Staff 12/22/2003
Mind's Desire Tsuyoshi Fujita 2003 PT New Orleans 11/23/2003
Psychatog Tomohiro Yokosuka 2003 PT New Orleans 5th-8th 11/2/2003
UW Control Paul Lyons 2003 Champs: Rhode Island 5th-8th 10/30/2003
Goblin Bidding Steve Young 2003 Champs: Montana 5th-8th 10/29/2003
Goblin Bidding Tsuyoshi Fujita GP Bangkok 7/13/2003
RG Beats Ryouta Kodera 2003 Open Qualifiers: Japan 1st 6/24/2003
Psychatog Youhei Yamamoto 2003 Open Qualifiers: Japan 1st 6/24/2003
Psychatog Yoshitaka Miyajima 2003 Open Qualifiers: Japan 1st 6/23/2003
Psychatog Youhei Yamamoto 2003 Nationals: Japan 5th-8th 6/23/2003
Eternal Wind Motokiyo Azuma GP Hiroshima, 2003 1st 5/22/2003
Goblins Ryan Youck 2003 Regionals Western Prairie, Canada 2nd 5/12/2003
3C Slide Dave Lyon 2003 Regionals - Plains 5th-8th 5/6/2003
Sligh Ryan Youck 2003 Regionals Alberta, Canada 2nd 5/6/2003
UG Madness Adriano Yokomizo 2003 Regionals São José-SP, Brazil 4/27 2nd 5/5/2003
Wake Yong-han Huang 2003 Regionals Taipei,Taiwan 2nd 3/31/2003
UG Madness Adriano Yokomizo 2003 Regionals São José-SP, Brazil 3rd-4th 3/31/2003
White Weenie Tor Grieg Toyomasu PT Venice PTQ: Oslo (1/5/03) 3rd-4th 1/10/2003
Finkeltog Dane Young PTQ Houston: Hawaii 2002 08-10 2nd 8/12/2002
U-W-R Aggro Ryo Ogura Grand Prix: Kobe 2001 5th-8th 4/13/2002
Counter Monger Ryouji Yoshizawa Regionals 2002: Japan, Chugoku 1st 4/13/2002
La Ultima llamada para el Pan Yosef Abadi Regionals 2002: Mexico, Mexico City 1st 4/13/2002
Rocket Shoes Tsuyoshi Fujita San Diego Masters: 2002 5th-8th 4/13/2002
Rice Snack Tsuyoshi Fujita Magic Invitational: 2001 9th-16th 4/13/2002
Fat Crank Robert Kinyon States 2001: Ohio 1st 4/13/2002
Tradewind Prison Mike Yohman PTQ Osaka: Columbus 12/15/01 5th-8th 4/13/2002
Psychatog Adriano Yokomizo Regionals 2002: Brazil, San Jose 5th-8th 4/13/2002
R/G Beats Tron Young Regionals 2002: Australia, Perth 5th-8th 4/13/2002

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