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Search Results for Magic Decks by tes

Viewing 301 - 350 of 890 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
W/U Approach Ralph Betesh Pro Tour Ixalan 33rd-64th 11/6/2017
Abzan Tokens Drew Bates US Nationals 2017 5th-8th 10/18/2017
BW hate (help please) crash_test 10/5/2017
Ramp mill crash_test 9/29/2017
Bounce & mill (comments please) crash_test 9/29/2017
What's yours is mine crash_test 9/27/2017
Jund Tyler Lutes SCG Open Modern - Louisville - 9/17/17 3rd-4th 9/18/2017
Token Popcorn cartesianAmbiguity 9/17/2017
Rats crash_test 9/16/2017
Titan Shift Francisco Sifuentes Grand Prix Sao Paulo 2017 9th-16th 8/14/2017
Mono blue mill for tournament feedback please crash_test 8/4/2017
B/G Constrictor Francisco Sifuentes Peracchio Pro Tour Hour of Devastation 7/30/2017
Naya Exert Testerfox 7/26/2017
Mono-Black Zombies DinATest MTGO Competitive Standard League: 7/17-7/23 7/24/2017
Temur Energy Tyler Lutes SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 33rd-64th 7/17/2017
red blue testing12344 7/16/2017
RDW - advice/feedback please crash_test 7/15/2017
BG Constrictor Weston Cates SCG Classic Standard - Roanoke - 7/2/17 5th-8th 7/4/2017
Mono-Black Zombies DinATest MTGO Competitive Standard League: 6/26-7/2 7/2/2017
Esper Death's Shadow WhiteStripe MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/12-6/18 6/14/2017
Living End Dominic Gates 2017 Grand Prix Copenhagen 9th-16th 5/28/2017
gb ryan test528 5/28/2017
Punishing Abzan Tyler Lutes SCG Classic Legacy - Louisville - 5/21/17 9th-16th 5/23/2017
B/G Energy - mid budget Tesh 3/23/2017
Pia´s revolt! Artefact´s stay or leave? Tesh 3/23/2017
Mechanized Production with Tezzeret Tesh 3/23/2017
Dwarf / Vehicle (Budget) Tesh 3/21/2017
Black-Green Delirium Francisco Sifuentes 2017 Grand Prix Porto Alegre 5th-8th 3/20/2017
4-color Copycat Jesus Cervantes Amonkhet RPTQ - Mexico City 3rd-4th 3/19/2017
U/B Mill teslashock1 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 3/6-3/12 3/8/2017
Skred Red Lucas Servantes 2017 TCGplayer States - CA 3rd-4th 3/6/2017
Enchanter cartesianAmbiguity 3/4/2017
Abzan Company Weston Cates SCG Regionals Modern - Baltimore - 2/4/17 5th-8th 2/7/2017
Marudne Vehikuly Katesh 3City 2/5/2017
C.C. Cat-ch Katesh 3City 1/24/2017
Murderhobo cartesianAmbiguity 12/20/2016
Test Tester 12/14/2016
W/U Flash Joshua Matteson SCG Open Standard - Atlanta - 12/03/16 17th-32nd 12/5/2016
White-Blue Flash Socrates Rozakeas 2016 Grand Prix Warsaw 33rd-64th 11/1/2016
Jeskai Control Tyler Lutes 2016 TCGplayer Standard State Champs - MO 2nd 10/31/2016
W/R Vehicles Andres Cifuentes 2016 Grand Prix Santiago 33rd-64th 10/31/2016
Test time Fast test 10/24/2016
Temur Emerge Ralph Betesh Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
Zoo Mads Justesen 2016 Grand Prix Lille 8/31/2016
W/U Control Sergio Matesanz 2016 Grand Prix Lille 8/31/2016
checklist d TheGreatest 8/7/2016
Minotaur Aggro MMates 7/20/2016
4 Color Gifts TheGreatest 7/4/2016
Alesha TheGreatest 6/16/2016
Eldrazi David Gutesa 2016 Grand Prix Prague 6/14/2016

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