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Search Results for Magic Decks by davi

Viewing 351 - 400 of 1622 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
W/U Humans David Reed 2016 StarCity Open Standard - Baltimore - 4/9 4/11/2016
Bant Company Jim Davis 2016 StarCity Open Standard - Baltimore - 4/9 1st 4/11/2016
BG Delirium DaViDDRGNSLYR 4/10/2016
W/U Eldrazi David Mines 2016 Grand Prix Melbourne 1st 3/7/2016
W/U Eldrazi David Reed 2016 Grand Prix Detroit 9th-16th 3/7/2016
Lands David Long 2016 StarCity Open Legacy - Philadelphia - 2/27 5th-8th 3/3/2016
Ascendancy Combo DavidFSU 3/1/2016
Colorless Eldrazi David Ochoa Pro Tour Oath of the Gatewatch: 24-28 points 2/10/2016
UR/b Prowess david1978pdx 1/25/2016
R/G Ramp David Irvine 2016 Super Sunday Series Championship 9th-16th 1/25/2016
Sultai Delver Jim Davis 2016 StarCity Open Legacy - Charlotte - 1/10 9th-16th 1/11/2016
Miracles David Schnayer 2016 StarCity Open Legacy - Cincinnati - 1/3 2nd 1/5/2016
testing ally deck 5 davidlai1994 12/23/2015
R/G Ramp Jim Davis 2015 StarCity Players Championship - Standard 1st 12/21/2015
R/G Tron Jim Davis 2015 StarCity Players Championship - Modern 1st 12/21/2015
Sultai Delver Jim Davis 2015 StarCity Players Championship - Legacy 1st 12/21/2015
Splinter Twin WotC_VNDR_DavidM (5-0) MTGO Modern League (5-0) - Week of 11/16/15 12/15/2015
budget r/g landfall davidlai1994 12/15/2015
Splinter Twin Scott Davis 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Denver - 12/6 3rd-4th 12/8/2015
Esper Control Andrew Davis 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Somerset - 11/29 5th-8th 11/30/2015
testing ally deck 3 davidlai1994 11/15/2015
U/G Infect David Reed 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Philadelphia - 11/8 5th-8th 11/9/2015
abzan ally deck davidlai1994 11/7/2015
Jund David Stewart Oath of the Gatewatch RPTQ - Toronto 3rd-4th 11/6/2015
Naya Allies David Houghton 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 11/4/2015
Bant Hardened Scales David Phelps 2015 Grand Prix Indianapolis - 10/31 5th-8th 11/2/2015
testing ally deck 2 davidlai1994 10/31/2015
G/W Aggro Shawn Davis TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Virginia 3rd-4th 10/28/2015
Abzan Blue David Kim TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Arizona 5th-8th 10/27/2015
R/G Aggro David Centofanti TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Arizona 5th-8th 10/27/2015
testing ally deck davidlai1994 10/27/2015
testing deck 2 davidlai1994 10/25/2015
Temurai David Davila TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - California (S) 1st 10/22/2015
Esper Control Thomas Davies TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Connecticut 3rd-4th 10/20/2015
Jeskai Black David Schmidt TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Colorado 2nd 10/19/2015
Naya Aggro David Goldberg TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - South Carolina 5th-8th 10/13/2015
Jeskai Black David Mathis 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Atlanta - 10/10 3rd-4th 10/12/2015
Temur Midrange Deshawn Davis TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Louisiana 5th-8th 10/12/2015
Sultai Midrange J.T. Davis TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Nebraska 2nd 10/12/2015
G/W Hate Bears David Green 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Indianapolis - 10/4 5th-8th 10/5/2015
G/W Hardened Scales David Phelps 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 10/3 9th-16th 10/5/2015
UW Control Jim Davis 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Milwaukee - 9/19 3rd-4th 9/22/2015
Nic Fit David Gleicher 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Milwaukee - 9/20 5th-8th 9/21/2015
Cruel Control David Nunez 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Worcester - 9/13 3rd-4th 9/15/2015
Painted Stone David Pitstick 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Cincinnati - 9/6 9th-16th 9/9/2015
Miracles David Elden 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Cincinnati - 9/6 9th-16th 9/9/2015
Abzan Aggro David Mills 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Cincinnati - 9/6 9th-16th 9/9/2015
Shardless Sultai David Maddox 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Charlotte - 8/24 9th-16th 8/24/2015
tainted love Redaviary 8/21/2015
Grixis Twin David Irwin MaxPoint Bronze - Legacy Gaming - 8/15/15 5th-8th 8/19/2015

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