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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 551 - 600 of 1923 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
W/U Historic Anthony Skrzypczak SCG Invitational Standard - Roanoke - 06/08/18 5th-8th 6/11/2018
Kambal, Consul of Allocation Phillythekid MTGO Brawl League: 06/10/18 6/11/2018
Teferi, Hero of Dominaria Mogged MTGO Brawl League: 06/10/18 6/11/2018
Kambal, Consul of Allocation Duybex MTGO Brawl League: 06/10/18 6/11/2018
Huatli, Warrior Poet chenstein9 MTGO Brawl League: 06/10/18 6/11/2018
B/W Token Overload RockerCCR9 6/9/2018
GW Approach Ramp sg51 6/8/2018
Don't Give a Fog dieu 6/8/2018
Bant Approach treymc MTGO Competitive Standard League: 06/04/18 6/5/2018
W/U God-Pharaoh's Gift levunga21 MTGO Standard PTQ - 06/02/18 3rd-4th 6/4/2018
W/U God-Pharaoh's Gift Thomasvdp MTGO Standard PTQ - 06/02/18 3rd-4th 6/4/2018
W/U Benalia Quentin Martin Pro Tour Dominaria 6/4/2018
R/W Invaders RockerCCR9 6/4/2018
G/W Benalia Marcos Paulo de Jesus Freitas Pro Tour Dominaria 33rd-64th 6/4/2018
W/U Control Daniel Weiser Pro Tour Dominaria 6/4/2018
W/U Teferi Daniel Waldholz Pro Tour Dominaria 6/4/2018
W/U God-Pharaoh's Gift Hiroaki Taniguchi Pro Tour Dominaria 6/4/2018
W/U Control Gregory Orange Pro Tour Dominaria 17th-32nd 6/3/2018
W/U Teferi Alexander Kreuz Pro Tour Dominaria 6/3/2018
Mono White Stax Trial // Tribulations 6/3/2018
Resting Lich Face AggroPlayer0601 6/2/2018
Lich's Victory AggroPlayer0601 6/2/2018
W/U God-Pharaoh's Gift FANFARRAO MTGO Competitive Standard League: 05/31/18 6/1/2018
B/W Anguish SuperSwackHand 5/30/2018
Platnum Angel Trial // Tribulations 5/30/2018
W/U Control iroppoi MTGO Competitive Standard League: 05/28/18 5/30/2018
Battle Pup, the Magnificent Yoru 5/30/2018
MK Cats lunchbox2626 5/29/2018
Bant Multani CroissantBoi 5/29/2018
W/U Historic Zachary Herrera SCG Classic Standard - Minneapolis - 5/27/2018 5th-8th 5/28/2018
W/U Control -Fish MTGO Standard PTQ - 05/27/18 9th-16th 5/28/2018
Mono White Midrange SBMTG_Dev 5/27/2018
Kambal Vampire Brawl DaRoastFTW 5/27/2018
Test gain life: Green, White, all good creature. Fantasio112 5/26/2018
sderg Fantasio112 5/26/2018
R/W Aggro mAJ 5/25/2018
Sram Cheerios dieu 5/25/2018
Mono-White Aggro DrRandyMarsh MTGO Competitive Standard League: 05/24/18 5/25/2018
W/B Aggro TheKingslayers MTGO Competitive Standard League: 05/24/18 5/25/2018
W/U God-Pharaoh's Gift NGFC_Mark MTGO Competitive Standard League: 05/24/18 5/25/2018
W/U Control MattHey MTGO Competitive Standard League: 05/24/18 5/25/2018
B/G/W Approach TacoisCrazy 5/24/2018
R/W Kwende Midrange mAJ 5/24/2018
R/W Kwende Midrange mAJ 5/24/2018
Approche du Second Soleil W/U Thiboutchou 5/23/2018
Wurm Revolt v2 Cam 5/23/2018
Oloro Ageless Ascetic Tjfc19 5/23/2018
U/W Historic-Reaction Weltzerstörer95 5/22/2018
W/U Artifacts DaPokpok MTGO Competitive Standard League: 05/21/18 5/22/2018
W/U Historic tkfrhtlvj MTGO Competitive Standard League: 05/21/18 5/22/2018

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