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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1451 - 1500 of 5619 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Karametra EDH Endarin 7/30/2014
Cube Splinter Twin 7/23/2014
Test01 Stroodle 7/23/2014
Damia Control 5est 7/18/2014
Marath Ryoichi 7/17/2014
Super friends theBkeeper 7/15/2014
roon shit gakpad 7/14/2014
yisan edh hybrid theory 7/13/2014
Prossh Splinter Twin 7/11/2014
Marath, Will of the Wild Drumfreak101 7/7/2014
buy list cj654 7/7/2014
Kamahl's Krop Hunting4Witchz 7/7/2014
Kruphix Enchantress Shadowsauce 7/6/2014
Kruphix Commander Shadowsauce 7/6/2014
Omnath fencedidy 7/2/2014
Ghave Splinter Twin 7/1/2014
Ghave Super Friends DfectivProduct 7/1/2014
Omnath Splinter Twin 7/1/2014
Gaea's touch ramp Splinter Twin 6/30/2014
Roon Splinter Twin 6/27/2014
Naya edh fiend hunter 6/25/2014
Lands Hawtef 6/22/2014
Rhys the Redeemed EDH Firebrans13 6/20/2014
Mono Green Ramp thenessthrow 6/10/2014
Animar Lustinatso 6/9/2014
prossh, dde abzolutebox 6/5/2014
Krador EDH master4098 6/5/2014
Jarad's Jungle Hunting4Witchz 6/4/2014
Trostani Tokens ArkonTT 6/3/2014
Glissa EDH 2 fjdkslan 6/1/2014
glissa 052014 wojtek1989 5/30/2014
Bant Tokens Tuxedo_Jackson 5/28/2014
Azusa jp523 5/26/2014
Bant Andorfine 5/25/2014
roon flicker abuse gakpad 5/22/2014
Ready, Aim . . . NAYA! Puresteel 5/19/2014
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher Phoenixx101 5/18/2014
GW Tokens SWTemplar 5/16/2014
Plants? pflaster 5/15/2014
Prossssssh majikal 5/14/2014
Animar Edh arcticfox2012 5/13/2014
Jund hkim83 5/10/2014
junk edh demonicvoid 5/3/2014
Animar Sammmy 5/2/2014
Rith Token spawn nrazor97 4/29/2014
Scapeshift CrayZ MTGO Modern Premier - 7008898 - 4/19/14 9th-16th 4/29/2014
T-Rex Arm Hulksmashems 4/27/2014
Prossh, Master of Tokens Anowon 4/27/2014
Cube as of 3-24-14 Shoney31 4/24/2014
Cube Proxy Shoney31 4/24/2014

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