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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1001 - 1050 of 5327 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Mayael Giants Shanebob911 12/9/2016
Mardu Eldrazi Corbin Hosler 12/9/2016
Breya, Etherium Shaper funtime ornithoptress 12/5/2016
Sweet Nar Nar Tanner Cruse 12/5/2016
Breya, Combo Shaper thatphilguy 12/5/2016
RW Legacy BoomBoomStormCloud 12/3/2016
Pandemonium Ebenezer 11/22/2016
Kaalia EDH Best Of? A1King 11/9/2016
Kaalia for me A1King 11/9/2016
Kiki Moon DatConsuelaz 11/7/2016
Boros Moon DatConsuelaz 10/31/2016
Oh! Piece of Candy 211Guy 10/25/2016
Jeskai Stream List DatConsuelaz 10/25/2016
EDH Sliver Deck BHOP 10/21/2016
RGW MIDRANGE Buttmilk 10/6/2016
Enchantress Sagaignu 9/29/2016
W/B Control Seth Manfield 8/18/2016
U/R Burn Vilgefortz 8/12/2016
U/R Emerge Jake Hart 8/11/2016
RW Midrange josephtgorman 8/6/2016
Bant Rites Patrick Dickmann Pro Tour Eldritch Moon 8/6/2016
W/B Control Raphael Levy Pro Tour Eldritch Moon 8/6/2016
Bant Rites Valentin Mackl Pro Tour Eldritch Moon 9th-16th 8/6/2016
Mono-Red Eldrazi Antonio Del Moral Leon Pro Tour Eldritch Moon 8/6/2016
No Draw Narset 8/6/16 Muraatt 8/6/2016
CoCo Killer SadPanda187 8/6/2016
Zada, Mirrorwing's friend ElfSun 8/5/2016
Meld control klokanjj 8/4/2016
Kaalia of the Vast final arcticfox2012 8/4/2016
Jeskai Dragons Serhio666 8/3/2016
Mardu Dragons Serhio666 8/2/2016
W/B Control Andrew Davis 2016 SCG Open Standard - Baltimore - 7/30 8/2/2016
W/R Humans Jonathan Blank 2016 SCG Open Standard - Baltimore - 7/30 8/2/2016
Mono-White Midrange Dan Jessup 2016 SCG Open Standard - Baltimore - 7/30 8/2/2016
Mardu Pact Josh Early 2016 SCG Open Standard - Baltimore - 7/30 8/2/2016
Jeskai Dragons laineithman 8/2/2016
Archangel Avacyn 2.0 WriterofWrong 8/1/2016
W/R Humans Mark Gabriele 2016 SCG Open Standard - Baltimore - 7/30 9th-16th 8/1/2016
Kaalia EDH A1KINGOFBLADES 7/30/2016
RW Angels 2 Kemnitz714 7/28/2016
Murica nerdyQWERTY 7/28/2016
R/W tokens Nate9837 7/28/2016
Jeskai Walkers Nate9837 7/27/2016
Mardu Control Nate9837 7/27/2016
U/R Eldrazi Levi Gaines 2016 SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 7/23 7/25/2016
W/B Control Sam Jakemovski 2016 SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 7/23 7/25/2016
W/B Control Andrew Hackenworth 2016 SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 7/23 7/25/2016
W/B Control Andrew Kanies 2016 SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 7/23 7/25/2016
W/R Humans Jonathan Benson 2016 SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 7/23 7/25/2016
W/R Humans Nick Moran 2016 SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 7/23 7/25/2016

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