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Search Results for Magic Decks by Raphael Levy

Viewing 1 - 50 of 148 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Azorius Control Raphael Levy Players Tour Finals - 07/25/2020 5th-8th 7/28/2020
Golgari Adventure Raphael Levy Mythic Championship V 33rd-64th 10/21/2019
Mono-Red Aggro Raphael Levy Mythic Championship Las Vegas 2019 9th-16th 6/24/2019
Mono-Green Tron Raphael Levy Mythic Championship London 2019 33rd-64th 4/28/2019
U/G Merfolk Raphael Levy Mythic Championship Cleveland 2019 33rd-64th 2/25/2019
Jeskai Control Raphael Levy 11/13/2018
Dredge Raphael Levy 10/30/2018
Mono-Red Sniper Raphael Levy 10/10/2018
Turbo Fog Raphael Levy Pro Tour 25th Anniversary - Standard 33rd-64th 8/14/2018
PT25 Turbo Fog Raphael Levy 8/7/2018
Mono-Blue Storm Raphael Levy 7/25/2018
Hollow Vines Raphael Levy 6/19/2018
Mono-White Karn Approach Raphael Levy 6/8/2018
U/B Control Raphael Levy Pro Tour Dominaria 33rd-64th 6/3/2018
Construct Tribal 2.0 Raphael Levy 5/15/2018
Construct Tribal Raphael Levy 5/15/2018
Mana-Less Dredge Raphael Levy 5/3/2018
Legion Land Loss Raphael Levy 5/3/2018
Cheerios Raphael Levy 4/19/2018
Cheerios Raphael Levy 4/11/2018
Pro Tour Chicago (Fires) Raphael Levy 3/20/2018
White-Blue Control Raphael Levy 2/8/2018
Ramunap Red Raphael Levy 1/17/2018
Temur Energy Raphael Levy 1/17/2018
White-Blue Gift Raphael Levy 1/17/2018
Red-White Aggro Raphael Levy 10/31/2017
Green-White Servos Raphael Levy 10/11/2017
Dredge Raphael Levy 8/15/2017
Marducks Raphael Levy 8/1/2017
Four-Color Vehicles Raphael Levy Pro Tour Hour of Devastation 7/30/2017
Eldrazi Raphael Levy 6/27/2017
Mono-Green Toulouse Raphael Levy 6/12/2017
White-Black Control Raphael Levy 5/23/2017
Mono-Black Zombies Raphael Levy Pro Tour Amonkhet 5/14/2017
Blue-Red Haven Spells Raphael Levy 4/18/2017
White-Blue Cycling Control Raphael Levy 4/18/2017
Snakes and Drakes Raphael Levy 4/18/2017
Blue-Black Haven Zombies Raphael Levy 4/18/2017
Drake Haven Zombies Raphael Levy 4/18/2017
Zombie Loam Raphael Levy 4/4/2017
Naya Amulet Breach Raphael Levy 3/21/2017
Worlds 2010 - Green-White Trap Raphael Levy 3/21/2017
Bant Amulet Raphael Levy 3/21/2017
Four-Color Tower Control Raphael Levy 3/8/2017
Mardu Vehicles Raphael Levy 2017 Pro Tour Aether Revolt 2/8/2017
Updated Mardu Vehicles Raphael Levy 2/8/2017
Snake Energy Raphael Levy 1/25/2017
Black-Green Aggro Raphael Levy 1/25/2017
Black-Green Control Raphael Levy 1/25/2017
Budget Standard White Weenie Raphael Levy 1/5/2017

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