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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 651 - 700 of 1065 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Chandra's Caress Polish Tamales 8/1/2012
B/R Discard Morbid28 7/28/2012
megrim ehhyo 7/16/2012
B/R Discad andrewgk 7/15/2012
cv poussix 7/5/2012
Kayoss Kayoss 7/5/2012
Liliana's Discard Deck cupofnoodles 7/3/2012
cost of things lofzfreak 6/21/2012
Tibor And Lumia EDH lofzfreak 6/21/2012
Zedruu the Trollhearted snazzycool 6/14/2012
Reddecksux mziller 6/10/2012
Burning Caress 2.0 Caston 6/9/2012
U/R Chaos csosbe 6/8/2012
Burning Caress Caston 6/2/2012
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind dukeboy36 5/31/2012
Draw - Discard (Help) bakery 5/31/2012
Mr. Combo TeamSexAppeal 4/25/2012
Mono Red Storm physix101 4/24/2012
Redvenge Anor 4/23/2012
Demivenge Anor 4/6/2012
Grim Yuushinoakari 3/28/2012
Fortune Control Travel_Demon 3/20/2012
discard RB HEDRON CUBE 3/14/2012
Discarded Dread BrunoValletori 3/11/2012
Pain Hands Monkeyheads 2/27/2012
Chaos Sir Combee 2/26/2012
Drawwww Vindale 2/24/2012
BR Discard thiago.op 2/19/2012
Dredge Bryang (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 2/6/12 2/14/2012
Crawling Vines R4V4G3R 2/3/2012
Madness ThorZen 2/3/2012
Pyromancer's Swath Dan Gushen 2012 PTQ Barcelona - Garden City, MI - 1/21 3rd-4th 2/3/2012
Assault Routes Kathulas 1/25/2012
Niv-Mizzet=1 gsaltfan8 1/14/2012
Izzet Storm V2 GekkoBeat 1/11/2012
Ignition Kathulas 1/11/2012
Niv Mizzet Electric_Glass 12/31/2011
BR discard Juznam 12/30/2011
Past in Flames GrevenCHL (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 12/19/11 12/27/2011
Death By Draw kashoni 12/25/2011
Red Storm Rising franzks 12/24/2011
Burning Phoenix King Xanadu 12/23/2011
Past in Flames Epattaro (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily 3166077 - 12/17/11 12/20/2011
Dredge Kristopher Hackelman 2011 StarCity Invitational Legacy - Charlotte 3rd-4th 12/12/2011
Dredge DXI-Edge 12/6/2011
Crosis mtgcoyote 12/3/2011
Niv-Mizzet Beleynn 12/1/2011
Atogatog Dredge enragedlobster 11/18/2011
Niv-Mizzet Commander Zunino0o 11/13/2011
Aura sougiro236 11/13/2011

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