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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 3551 - 3600 of 3616 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Elfrhythm xxxweinerxxx 7/17/2005
Bringer carrion feeder 7/2/2005
Monogreen Bringer Beats kuro_khan 6/10/2005
Mono Green Bringer-Burst kuro_khan 5/25/2005
Bringer smelyfootbal 5/23/2005
Bringer of the suns Xalted_Killer 5/14/2005
Green Machine braceface 4/16/2005
End Bringer Frostbyter33 4/11/2005
ElvenFury abe''splace 4/4/2005
some guys stuff gemxwavedotcom 3/12/2005
Elf + Aggravated Assault flair 3/8/2005
belcher 2l spitfire6006006 1/8/2005
Infnite deck Baal Lord of Destruction 12/29/2004
Helix RogueManRyan 11/3/2004
? epyonoo7 10/28/2004
SunBurst Light Speed pakatus 9/19/2004
Bring on the Bringers lordsanq 8/30/2004
elves joemmoby 8/26/2004
The Dentist Rudetski 8/25/2004
WWUUBBRRGG, T, sac kawphy 8/16/2004
Charbelcher Alex Pagnani Type 1 Tournament at GP NJ 5th-8th 8/16/2004
Elf-clamp dyalnbutson 8/15/2004
ELVES!!!!! v.2 exidus99 8/12/2004
ELVES!!!!! exidus99 8/12/2004
Double Doors skeletalwolf28 8/2/2004
Door Wide Open parrallelblue 7/15/2004
Bringer Deck JodyLee 7/10/2004
Unspoliered Cannon Deck paolinoc 6/30/2004
Fierce Elves MTGMerlen23 6/28/2004
5cBringer Alvin Lau 6/17/2004
Bringer Control mandoer 6/15/2004
Elf Dawn OneOfTheOrder 6/11/2004
Arc Welding Solitarias Syo 6/9/2004
Ultimate Sunburst ravaffinplayer 6/8/2004
G/w tooth and nail tmmchriswins 6/7/2004
Fastest Sui Black Ever 7thsonofa7thson 6/6/2004
MBC Highlander Waylon Ballenger 6/2/2004
lots of combos darkwolfmykolo 5/31/2004
Fists, Suns, and Teeth Eric Meisel 5/30/2004
Colorful Creatures Eric Meisel 5/30/2004
Sunburst Bringers Eric Meisel 5/30/2004
Bringers Eugene Kolinko 5/27/2004
Belcher lunar 5/17/2004
Elvish Overrun Lazarus aldarin 5/15/2004
Backup for the Backup ko-a 4/26/2004
Land Deck Joel Phelps 4/15/2004
Red/Green B.B. chaps_man 4/15/2004
Better ElfClamp gmscott 4/14/2004
u/g elves utra_kamahl 4/13/2004
mammoth bigblack420 3/27/2004

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