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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1251 - 1300 of 4951 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Elves Zayzo 8/31/2017
Abzan Company A Joy 8/30/2017
Counter Ramunap company flankmecaptains 8/29/2017
G/W Elves Leroy_Kilack MTGO Competitive Modern League: 8/21-8/27 8/24/2017
Blue Steel Company dschidi 8/23/2017
Ramp-aging Tutorketh Sir Quackington 8/23/2017
The Cat's Meow NoirCroix 8/19/2017
Evo-Chord Mig 8/18/2017
Kiki Evolution Mig 8/16/2017
Counters Company ElfKid MTGO Competitive Modern League: 8/14-8/20 8/15/2017
Spiders 400 IQ Genius 8/15/2017
Four-Color Chord Mig 8/15/2017
Abzan Company Daryl Neiswenter SCG Classic Modern - Richmond - 8/13/17 9th-16th 8/14/2017
Enchantment Haven MTG Commander 8/14/2017
Elves Ross Merriam SCG Open Modern - Richmond - 8/12/17 3rd-4th 8/14/2017
Counters Company Julian Reyes Grand Prix Sao Paulo 2017 5th-8th 8/14/2017
Counters Company Aaron Boyhan Grand Prix Birmingham 2017 17th-32nd 8/13/2017
Kiki Chord Amand Dosimont Grand Prix Birmingham 2017 17th-32nd 8/13/2017
Counters Company Toni Ramis Pascual Grand Prix Birmingham 2017 17th-32nd 8/13/2017
Counters Company Oscar Christensen Grand Prix Birmingham 2017 3rd-4th 8/13/2017
Kiki-Chord Latnem MTGO Competitive Modern League: 8/7-8/13 8/12/2017
Kiki-Chord Kurusu MTGO Competitive Modern League: 8/7-8/13 8/12/2017
Bant Combo Company ScaughtyO 8/10/2017
Abzan Company _Monstruito_ MTGO Competitive Modern League: 7/31-8/6 8/8/2017
G/W Chord Brosterman MTGO Competitive Modern League: 7/31-8/6 8/8/2017
Naya Company zerodahero MTGO Competitive Modern League: 7/31-8/6 8/8/2017
Conley's Bukiki Deck Taco Master 8/7/2017
Mono-Green Devotion Anthony Skrzypczak SCG Classic Modern - Syracuse - 8/5/17 9th-16th 8/7/2017
Bant Company Konsti MTGO Competitive Modern League: 7/31-8/6 8/6/2017
Counters Company Kyle Grunn SCG Open Modern - Syracuse - 8/6/17 17th-32nd 8/6/2017
Counters Company Billy Mitchell SCG Open Modern - Syracuse - 8/6/17 17th-32nd 8/6/2017
Titania EDH BlazinT10 8/5/2017
G/W vok Mintyhippo 7/31/2017
Abzan Company 7up_sng MTGO Competitive Modern League: 7/24-7/30 7/31/2017
Modern Melira Petoskey 7/26/2017
Elves Ban Chatham SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 7/23/17 9th-16th 7/24/2017
Abzan Company Scott Spurlock SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 7/23/17 9th-16th 7/24/2017
Elves Brent Clift SCG Atlanta Team Open - Modern - 7/23/17 9th-16th 7/24/2017
G/W Vizier of Remedies RIWBTU MTGO Competitive Modern League: 7/17-7/23 7/24/2017
Cool commander green Swagmasterd 7/18/2017
Bant Company Vincent Giacalone SCG Classic Modern - Cincinnati - 7/16/17 17th-32nd 7/17/2017
Abzan Company Zachary Harris SCG Classic Modern - Cincinnati - 7/16/17 9th-16th 7/17/2017
Abzan Company GodWithAShotgun MTGO Competitive Modern League: 7/10-7/16 7/17/2017
Ezuri, Renegade Leader comander Tpvegas 7/13/2017
Omnath, Locus of Rage Deckbuilds 7/10/2017
Elephant Tribal EDH Meggerz 7/10/2017
Abzan Company Playmobil MTGO Competitive Modern League: 7/3-7/9 7/9/2017
Aggro Elves Sousuke150 7/9/2017
Spirits AirborneHam 7/5/2017
OM-Rage noctis366 7/5/2017

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