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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 301 - 350 of 4319 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
8 Rack Emma Partlow 5/19/2020
Grixis Delver Evaros_TTV 5/12/2020
Sultai Control pmc22337 MTGO Modern Super PTQ 05/09/2020 5th-8th 5/11/2020
Sultai Control CAPTAINFARBOSA MTGO Modern Challenge 05/09/2020 5th-8th 5/11/2020
Jund (Lurrus) WIZARD_OF_JACK MTGO Modern Challenge 05/09/2020 5th-8th 5/11/2020
Grixis Control (Lurrus) NinoMtg MTGO Modern Challenge 05/09/2020 3rd-4th 5/11/2020
Jund (Lurrus) AvocadoToast MTGO Modern Challenge 05/09/2020 1st 5/11/2020
4c Yorion Giftys Evaros_TTV 5/11/2020
Rack-dos Broximus Prime 5/9/2020
Modern: Sultai Uro Shinobi Fae FluffyWolf 5/7/2020
Modern: Grixis Lurrus Delver FluffyWolf 5/7/2020
Rock Broximus Prime 5/4/2020
Modern: UB Ninja Fae FluffyWolf 5/4/2020
Jund Ally Warfield 5/1/2020
Jund Ally Warfield 5/1/2020
Jund Ally Warfield 5/1/2020
Budget Dimir Ninjas Emma Partlow 4/27/2020
Dimir Ninjas adriaferrer 4/27/2020
Modern Kroxa Skelemental Kitty Nightmare FluffyWolf 4/26/2020
Jund Darkiundsa 4/23/2020
Grixis Delver twinlesstwin 4/23/2020
Grixis Lurrus kooba3 4/23/2020
Modern Companion: Lurrus of the Dream Den FluffyWolf 4/18/2020
Mardu Pyromancer BReal2 4/15/2020
tony fabri wants asdf 4/15/2020
Semi-Optimal Dimir Mill Emma Partlow 4/13/2020
Dimir Mill dgreen16 MTGO Modern PTQ - 03/29/2020 17th-32nd 4/13/2020
Modern: UB Mill from PTQ FluffyWolf 4/12/2020
Modern: Mardu Ashiok the Grave Reanimator FluffyWolf 4/11/2020
Lutri kooba3 4/7/2020
Jund Modern Mazao 4/7/2020
Budget Squee's Tomb raven man 4/2/2020
Modern: Lantern Control Sword FluffyWolf 3/24/2020
Rakdos Arcanist BlueMTG 3/21/2020
Abzan Midrange AcesuWaifu 3/20/2020
Rakdos Arcanist BlueMTG 3/19/2020
rackin' up the burns antman deck builder 3/19/2020
Grixis Fires YugiMoto 3/18/2020
Jund Edel MTGO Modern Challenge - 03/14/2020 1st 3/16/2020
Jund Titan arcto 3/15/2020
Modern: Vesperlark Reanimator V10 FluffyWolf 3/14/2020
Kroxa Jund Sad Panda 187 3/12/2020
UB Narset Evaros_TTV 3/10/2020
Modern Red Rack Kroxa FluffyWolf 3/9/2020
Vannifar Combo Tianxia 3/6/2020
Dimir Midrange Kiko 3/4/2020
Golgari Broximus Prime 3/3/2020
Jund KAZUGA MTGO Modern Showcase - 02/29/2020 5th-8th 3/3/2020
BW Super Friends Evaros_TTV 2/28/2020
Spores Broximus Prime 2/26/2020

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