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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 501 - 550 of 7777 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Neheb, the Worthy {EDH} SithDragon33 5/25/2018
AtogAtog Eggs EDH OmniSin 5/23/2018
the hated deck hunter 101 5/22/2018
Jeskai Superfriends kooba3 5/20/2018
Maelstrom Wanderer Bigc96 5/18/2018
JUND GPG jackie CHAN 5/18/2018
JUND GPG jackie CHAN 5/18/2018
Jund Reanimator matt c 5/17/2018
Garna EDH Thomper 5/16/2018
Jodah's Dinos (Brawl) MRB 5/16/2018
The Locust God joaolucas MTGO Brawl League: 05/13/18 5/14/2018
Lotto Artifact White Calamus 5/12/2018
mono brown crash_test 5/12/2018
Elves of War Blowfish114 5/7/2018
RB Fling Big Papa 4/30/2018
Feldon shinanagins greeblethefeeble 4/29/2018
atog burn kachy 4/27/2018
Monored midrange kooba3 4/27/2018
Mono Red Ramp Lumowolf 4/25/2018
Darigaaz Syoh83 4/24/2018
The Antiquities War MRB 4/24/2018
Maelstrom Cascade Lwsteven 4/23/2018
Goblins Cruiserboy43 4/22/2018
Brawling storm Marlokz 4/21/2018
Enigma Control Super 4/20/2018
Jund Goblins MADBRO! 4/20/2018
Surrak Eldrazi Leek1 4/18/2018
Jhoira Brawl Bruce Richard 4/17/2018
Rakdos, Lord of Party CruzMagicMind 4/14/2018
U/R Indomitable Creativity Andrew Tolson Grand Prix Seattle 2018 - Standard 4/12/2018
Indomitable Creativity Treasure Andrew Tolson GP Seattle 4/12/2018
Jund Marionette Master Novakayne 4/11/2018
Artifact Burn/storm ronrussell 4/10/2018
ART A FACT Leek1 4/9/2018
Samut Aggro Orion220 4/8/2018
Neheb Wolf-Bot 3/30/2018
Animar, Soul of Elements Jewy 3/30/2018
Abzan Reanimator Lorkonius 3/29/2018
Madcap Madness Kingjes 3/26/2018
Green Red Goblin Fun Time Heartless Hidetsugu 3/25/2018
W/R Approach Paul Goddard 3/24/2018
Etali, Primal Storm EDH jwplayer0 3/21/2018
Breya, Kaladesh Paxsean 3/21/2018
AtogAtog EDH OmniSin 3/20/2018
Izzet Artifacts Garfield2875 3/17/2018
Red black burn Kingjes 3/17/2018
B/R Control Azvard 3/13/2018
GRIXIS SCARAB Death Young Boy 666 3/12/2018
R/W Approach katplight MTGO Competitive Standard League: 3/5 - 3/11 3/6/2018
Mono-Red Sneak Attack derk714 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 2/26 - 3/4 3/4/2018

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