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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1301 - 1350 of 2636 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
IceFactory vrieevriee 7/11/2011
Architect Control Gemantriax 7/11/2011
UB Infect Viliphied 7/11/2011
infect cardshark 7/11/2011
Architect Control patlam (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 7/4/11 7/11/2011
Architect Control rinazina (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 7/4/11 7/11/2011
Forgemaster Combo sequela (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 7/4/11 7/11/2011
Amulets and Architects Frank Lepore 7/11/2011
Grand Poison XIII (2/3) OneUnknown 7/10/2011
Grand Birthing Pod chikago12 7/10/2011
Big RED 13ierDragoon 7/10/2011
UB Trinket Fire_Mage 7/10/2011
Splitting Fog Maaxx 7/10/2011
Tezz Control Spaceman_Splif 7/10/2011
Agent Architect achiras 7/9/2011
Podcaster 2.0 chikago12 7/9/2011
Grand Illusion (Help?) XylosTheMagician 7/9/2011
Tezz Infect. Suggestions brady_daley 7/8/2011
Drawblade Ulimortus 7/8/2011
Architect Control Jakub Janeczek 2011 Polish Nationals 5th-8th 7/7/2011
Architect Control Wojciech Czerepak 2011 Polish Nationals 2nd 7/7/2011
WU Infect/Control cyberclone 7/7/2011
clocks unwinding monkeygbob 7/6/2011
Venser2 zombieinc99 7/6/2011
Architect Control Roussos2 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 7/4/11 7/6/2011
New Jace Mill Unforgiven1 7/6/2011
UB Control+treasure mage SilverA123 7/5/2011
Hydra testsubject6 7/5/2011
Saproling EDH Deck stealther500 7/5/2011
Infect rinakamon 7/5/2011
judgement day waynee 7/5/2011
Architect Control Mohs 7/5/2011
PWControl skeletalvampir 7/4/2011
LUX jdavid.coffey 7/4/2011
Mono U Architect berrberr 7/4/2011
Architect Control rinazina (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 7/4/11 7/4/2011
UW Artifact Control neskauzera 7/4/2011
t2 tezz aggro ryvdt 7/2/2011
Tezzeret U/B Control flapjack 7/1/2011
u/b tezzeret infect waylander 7/1/2011
Grand Pod Derrick Durk 7/1/2011
lol Bugdino 6/30/2011
Podcaster 3.0 chikago12 6/30/2011
Grand Poison VIII OneUnknown 6/30/2011
grand architect jdoghubb 6/29/2011
Grand Tezz v4 Yamizaga 6/29/2011
UB Tezz Control AngelisIronMan 6/29/2011
Architect Control Natta Albert 2011 PTQ Philadelphia - Torina, Italy - 6/25 5th-8th 6/28/2011
Sen Triplets controlcombo Werewolf Loki 6/28/2011
Tezz poison twin TJtheNorman 6/28/2011

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