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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2001 - 2050 of 2931 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
evagreene vensers sliver 10/19/2011
Dredge Reanimate centreline05 10/17/2011
Modern Dredge r0b3r7 10/13/2011
Junk Rock bago75 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 10/10/11 10/13/2011
Team America Gabe Rabin 2011 Legacy @ Knight Ware Inc. - 10/09 5th-8th 10/11/2011
Faeries Cody Napier 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Nashville - 10/09 9th-16th 10/10/2011
Team America Phillip Braverman 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Nashville - 10/09 9th-16th 10/10/2011
Team America Dylan Squire 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Nashville - 10/09 9th-16th 10/10/2011
UB Control Robert Graves 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Nashville - 10/09 5th-8th 10/10/2011
Team America Todd Anderson 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Nashville - 10/09 2nd 10/10/2011
Risen Earth randoman12 10/6/2011
BUG AJ Sacher 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Indianapolis - 10/02 5th-8th 10/3/2011
Stinks like ghoul in here pshawver 9/29/2011
dredge 1st turn WalkingHand 9/27/2011
Dredge Vintage dez1tm 9/27/2011
Team America MikeTheNinja 9/24/2011
aaa karabara845 9/15/2011
Treefolk Harbinger AdNausTendrils 9/14/2011
karador 666Metalhead 9/14/2011
Doran DPS MTGO Modern Premier - 9/11/11 3rd-4th 9/13/2011
Dredge Michael Morrissey 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Atlanta - 9/11 1st 9/12/2011
MBPox tesla89 9/12/2011
Psychatog wonderdog 9/11/2011
Thopter depths Nerrzull 9/8/2011
Pox Rock im2g00t4ubarn (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 9/5/11 9/7/2011
Pox Rock DPS (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/29/11 9/2/2011
Junk Rock Adam Yurchick 9/1/2011
Pox Rock NULLname (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily 2739350 - 8/26/11 8/29/2011
Junk Rock NULLname (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily 2739345 - 8/25/11 8/26/2011
Modern Smallpox Chaosmonkey 8/25/2011
Affinity Malteko (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily 2739320 - 8/24/11 8/25/2011
Esper Stone-Blade Michael Caffrey 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Boston - 8/21 9th-16th 8/22/2011
Italy AdNausTendrils 8/21/2011
Dredge WTFimnothere 8/19/2011
Rock-Blade Stealth Uchiha 8/18/2011
Ooze Dredge Combo __Puck. 8/17/2011
Modern Pox Chaosmonkey 8/17/2011
Mod Dredge Phoenix48832 8/16/2011
Typical Jund Midrange Landstar 8/16/2011
Crypt Unearth tyty6293 8/15/2011
UB Dreadstalker erickountal 8/14/2011
Dredge Currentdecks 8/12/2011
modern dredge bassmaster32 8/12/2011
MBC Legacy ngeshuu 8/10/2011
Reanimator Eric Markowitz 2011 Legacy Championship - 8/6 5th-8th 8/9/2011
Team America David Gleicher 2011 Legacy Championship - 8/6 3rd-4th 8/9/2011
Dredge the_wookie454 8/8/2011
Modern Battle tad38 8/8/2011
BUG Fish Joseph Bogaard 2011 Vintage Championship - 8/5 5th-8th 8/8/2011
Dredge Mark Hornung 2011 Vintage Championship - 8/5 1st 8/8/2011

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