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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 251 - 286 of 286 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Temur Clover BELANNA999 MTGO Standard Showcase - 02/29/2020 3rd-4th 3/3/2020
Temur Clover BradPitKeeper MTGO Standard Showcase - 02/29/2020 3rd-4th 3/3/2020
Temur Clover LaCriaturaBB MTGO Standard Showcase - 02/29/2020 2nd 3/3/2020
Temur Clover Brian Braun-Duin Mythic Point Challenge (10 Wins) - 03/02/2020 3/3/2020
Temur Clover Jelger Wiegersma Mythic Point Challenge (10 Wins) - 03/02/2020 3/2/2020
Temur Clover Brad Nelson Mythic Point Challenge (10 Wins) - 03/02/2020 3/2/2020
Temur Clover Luis Scott-Vargas Mythic Point Challenge (10 Wins) - 03/02/2020 3/2/2020
Telmonen Niv-Mizzet (Reborn) Commander v2 Telmonen 3/1/2020
99 for less - Niv-Mizzet Reborn CMDRNinetyNine 2/29/2020
Gallia of the Endless Dance | COMMANDER'S BREW E234 Commander's Brew 2/25/2020
Temur Adventures littlebeep Dreamhack Anaheim - 02/23/2020 1st 2/25/2020
Temur Clover AliasV 2/24/2020
Singleton Showdown - Klothoys, Divine Control CMDRNinetyNine 2/18/2020
Klothys Fun Knight.EXE 2/11/2020
Temur Adventures Phillip Stanley SCG Classic Standard - Philadelphia - 02/09/2020 2nd 2/10/2020
RG Fire and Flames yoman5 50 Decks Challenge 1/22/2020
Elemental Wilds yoman5 50 Decks Challenge 1/22/2020
Multiversus - 99 for less - Niv-Mizzet Reborn CMDRNinetyNine 1/21/2020
Temur Adventure Tristan Helwig SCG Classic Standard - Columbus - 01/05/2020 9th-16th 1/7/2020
Temur Reclamation Chris Botelho MagicFest Portland 2019 17th-32nd 12/23/2019
Temur Reclamation Jacob Chen MagicFest Portland 2019 17th-32nd 12/23/2019
Temur Adventure Nathan Zamora MagicFest Portland 2019 3rd-4th 12/23/2019
Tana voltron Electriccrabz 12/17/2019
Escape the cauldron CallMeStar 12/15/2019
Five-Color Fires Ken Yukuhiro Mythic Championship VII - 12/06/2019 12/6/2019
Temur Adventure Jean-Emmanuel Depraz Mythic Championship VII - 12/06/2019 12/5/2019
Temur Reclamation Miguel Guerrero Leon Mythic Championship VII - 12/06/2019 12/5/2019
Smack Smack IAMTHOR 12/5/2019
Temur Storm Pronn 12/4/2019
Temur Reclamation Stefan Schutz Mythic Championship Richmond - 11/08/2019 11/11/2019
Naya Giants AliasV 11/8/2019
Temur Wreck-Lamation AliasV 11/6/2019
Temur Reclamation Theau Mery MagicFest Lyon 2019 9th-16th 11/4/2019
Budget Naya Giants Astatine 11/1/2019
5C Niv-Mizzet Fires SandyButtcrack 10/28/2019
Niv-Mizzet Invention Zachary Kiihne 9/25/2019

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