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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 301 - 350 of 408 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
UW Splice gnawph 8/13/2005
Super Cheese Freshnukix 8/11/2005
Little White Lie Mobius Man 8/6/2005
Gifts Ungiven Robert Beverly III 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Newington, Connecticut 5th-8th 8/6/2005
Sachi's Gifts moldrslug 7/26/2005
RG Gifts Akira Asahara 2005 Grand Prix Niigata, Japan 3rd-4th 7/24/2005
2005 PTQ Los Angeles - 7th Place Clifton Sweeney 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Charlotte, North Carolina 5th-8th 7/24/2005
Gifts Ungiven Jesse Holland 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Charlotte, North Carolina 1st 7/24/2005
Gifts Ungiven Jesse Hawkins 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Charlotte, North Carolina 5th-8th 7/24/2005
Gifts Ungiven Michael Day 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Louisville, Kentucky 3rd-4th 7/24/2005
Die Hard Chris Mrozek 7/23/2005
Gifts Ungiven Chris McDaniel 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Richmond, Virginia 1st 7/23/2005
Gifts Ungiven Michael Bernat 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Chicago, Illinois 1st 7/23/2005
Gifts Ungiven Owen Turtenwald 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Chicago, Illinois 3rd-4th 7/23/2005
Gifts Ungiven Stephane Faure 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Montreal, Quebec 1st 7/23/2005
Gifts Ungiven Aurlien Denis 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Montreal, Quebec 5th-8th 7/23/2005
Gifts Ungiven Francis Cormier 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Montreal, Quebec 5th-8th 7/23/2005
Gifts Ungiven Ryan Gin 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 5th-8th 7/23/2005
Gifts Ungiven Brian Schneider 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Richmond, Virginia 3rd-4th 7/23/2005
Gifts Ungiven Mark Heberholz 2005 Grand Prix Minneapolis, MN 2nd 7/18/2005
Gifts w/ Alt Win kvasir.gsm 7/17/2005
white samurai/artifacts blakes4ever24 7/17/2005
Gifts Ungiven Richard Feldman 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Los Angeles Area, California 3rd-4th 7/16/2005
Gifts Ungiven Dalibor Trnka 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Mexico City, Mexico 5th-8th 7/16/2005
Honden Jim Morrison 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Garden City, Michigan 3rd-4th 7/10/2005
THAT HURTS L@@K!!!!!!!!!! XvSYPHONvX 7/9/2005
Gifts Ungiven Corey Hodges 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Mesa, Arizona 2nd 7/9/2005
Blue-white Kite Control Brian Kelly 2005 PTQ Los Angeles High Point, North Carolina 5th-8th 7/9/2005
Gifts Ungiven Mark Cordell 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Knoxville, Tennessee 2nd 7/9/2005
White Weenie Dustin Burnham 2005 PTQ Los Angeles High Point, North Carolina 5th-8th 7/9/2005
Gifts Ungiven Nick Batdorf 2005 PTQ Los Angeles New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 5th-8th 7/9/2005
Gifts Ungiven Kevin Pettinger 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Seattle, Washington 2nd 7/9/2005
Gifts Ungiven Duane Bellamy 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Cincinnati, Ohio 5th-8th 7/9/2005
White Weenie Ryan Scott 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Mesa, Arizona 5th-8th 7/9/2005
Bascas Control blind_chimp 7/5/2005
Bascas mss1123581321 7/4/2005
mesmeric prison allage_rj 7/3/2005
Gifts Ungiven Nicholas Giles 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Las Vegas, Nevada 5th-8th 7/2/2005
traitor legends allage_rj 6/26/2005
Eternal Wisdom lawdxi 6/21/2005
MWC Ross11 6/19/2005
Erayo's Rule greattical 6/15/2005
Kirin Control Billy Simkulet 6/15/2005
Draw to Destroy Lawbag07 6/11/2005
Gifts Spliced Frank Karsten 6/2/2005
Gifts Control Rogier Maaten 6/2/2005
Go Anan Deck Rogier Maaten 2005 Pro Tour Philadelphia, PA 6/2/2005
Equip Mike Farcasin 5/28/2005
Mono White Control CelestialChild 5/26/2005
Thought Control T:2 rubytherat 5/13/2005

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