This deck works around you having a huge hand...basically you have to switch your deck with your hand lol. Counter and destroy everything until you get Azami and Graceful Adept out to start pumping up your hand size. Once Kaho comes out, counter everything with hinder imprinted on it and put it back on the top of their library to stall them. Kagemaro and Soramaro are there to help keep beefy creatures at bay. If you manage to get both of them out, blow up kagemaro then after the ability goes on the stack draw a card with Azami and Soramaro gets a toughness point above and survives. Winning conditions include you decking them with a flipped jushi apprentice, drawing your entire deck then keep playing the beacons, or neverending torment them...with a hand of abput 18 cards, you can win in 3 turns. Dont look at the sideboard because I just chose cards at random to upload the deck and any suggestions regarding sideboard are very helpful. A tricky but efficient deck.